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Welcome to MPTRAC!

Massive-Parallel Trajectory Calculations (MPTRAC) is a Lagrangian particle dispersion model for the analysis of atmospheric transport processes in the free troposphere and stratosphere.


These are some of the most important features of the MPTRAC model:

  • MPTRAC calculates air parcel trajectories by solving the kinematic equation of motion using given horizontal wind and vertical velocity fields.

  • Mesoscale diffusion and sub-grid scale wind fluctuations are simulated using the Langevin equation to add stochastic perturbations to the trajectories.

  • Additional modules are implemented to simulate convection, sedimentation, exponential decay, gas and aqueous phase chemistry, wet and dry deposition.

  • Meteo data pre-processing code to calculate boundary layer, convective available potential energy, geopotential heights, potential vorticity, and tropopause data.

  • Various output methods for particle, ensemble, gridded, sample, and station data. Gnuplot interface for direct visualization.

  • MPI-OpenMP-OpenACC hybrid parallelization for efficient use from single workstations to HPC and GPU systems.

  • Distributed open source under the terms and conditions of the GNU GPL.


We are interested in sharing MPTRAC for research applications. Please do not hesitate to contact us, if you have any questions or need support.

Dr. Lars Hoffmann,

Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Forschungszentrum Jülich