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This application calculates the transport deviations of trajectories.

atm_dist can be called by:

# calling atm_dist
$ ./atm_dist  <ctl> <> <param> <atm1a> <atm1b> [<atm2a> <atm2b> ...]

The required arguments to run atm_dist are as follows: * ctl: is the control (.ctl) file of the trajectory simulation the output file where the deviations should be written into
param: the deviation paramters to be calculated (e.g. abs_dev etc. see below) * atm1a and atm1b: the trajectory files that should be compared

Statistical paramters that can be calculated are:

  • mean
  • stddv
  • min
  • max
  • skew
  • kurt
  • absdev
  • median
  • mad

The here used statistics are the gnu statistic library. More information on the gnu statistics library can be found on their webpage.

An example command line for running atm_dist looks like as follows:

./atm_dist trac.ctl abs_dev

Note: The command line needs to be adjusted to the respective directories were the files (or executables in case of atm_dist) are located.

Additional paramters that can be used when running atm_dist are:

DIST_LAT0 -89 DIST_LAT1 89 - The latitude range to be considered
DIST_Z0 8 DIST_Z1 16 - The altitude range to be considered
DISTZCORE - can be used for filtering outliers