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The application atm_init creates an atmospheric data file with initial air parcel positions. The code will generate air parcels in a simple manner with user-defined settings.

# calling atm_init
$ ./atm_init  <ctl> <atm_out>

The following specific configuration parameters can be used to determine the release position:

parameter purpose default
INIT_T0 Release time range start [s] 0
INIT_T1 Release time range end [s] 0
INIT_DT Release time interval [s] 1
INIT_Z0 Release altitude range start [km] 0
INIT_Z1 Release altitude range end [km] 0
INIT_DZ Release altitude interval [km] 1
INIT_LON0 Release longitude range start 0
INIT_LON1 Release longitude range end 0
INIT_DLON Release longitude interval 1
INIT_LAT0 Release latitude range start 0
INIT_LAT1 Release latitude range end 0
INIT_DLAT Release latitude interval 1

Followings are some optional parameters for controlling the release of air parcels:

  • INIT_REP: This parameter controls the number of air parcels in each release position. The default value is 1.
  • INIT_MASS: Total release mass [kg]. The default value is 0.
  • INIT_VMR: Volume mixing ratio of each air parcel [ppv]. The default value is 0.
  • INIT_ST/INIT_SZ/INIT_SLON/INIT_SLAT: If this parameter is set to non-zero value, the air parcels are released with a Gaussian distribution in time/altitude/longitude/latitude. The parameter value represents the full width at half maximum.
  • INIT_UT/INIT_UZ/INIT_ULON/INIT_ULAT: If this parameter is set to non-zero value, the air parcels are released with a uniform distribution in time/altitude/longitude/latitude. The parameter value represents release range.
  • INIT_EVENLY: If this parameter is set to 1, the number of air parcels released will be weighted by the cosine of latitude so that the air parcels are evenly distributed globally.

Note: Instead of using the control file the configuration parameters can also be appended to the function call.