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Extract subsets of air parcels from atmospheric data files.

The calling sequence is:

# calling atm_select
$ atm_select  <ctl> <atm_select> <atm1> [<atm2> ...]

The atmospheric data file(s) [ …] contain(s) a list of data points with the structure:

time altitude longitude latitude quantity_1 quantity_2 ...

Following the selection criteria provided in the control file atm_select extracts a subset of the data points and writes them into a new atmospheric data file with the file name provided in . The following atm_select specific configuration parameters can be used:

parameter purpose default
SELECT_STRIDE select every i-th data point 1
SELECT_IP0 set index range start 0
SELECT_IP1 set index range end 0
SELECT_T0 set time range start [s] 0
SELECT_T1 set time range end [s] 0
SELECT_Z0 set altitude range start [km] 0
SELECT_Z1 set altitude range end [km] 0
SELECT_LON0 set longitude range start [deg] 0
SELECT_LON1 set longitude range end [deg] 0
SELECT_LAT0 set latitude range start [deg] 0
SELECT_LAT1 set latitude range end [deg] 0
SELECT_R0 set radius range start [km] 0
SELECT_R1 set radius range end [km] 0
SELECT_RLON set station longitude [deg] 0
SELECT_RLAT set station latitude [deg] 0

The parameters should be given as an indexed list in the control file (example).