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Split air parcels into a larger number of parcels.

The calling sequence is:

# calling atm_split
$ ./atm_split  <ctl> <atm_in> <atm_out>

The atmospheric input data file contains a list of data points with the structure:

time altitude longitude latitude quantity_1 quantity_2 ...

Based on the locations provided in the input atmospheric data file atm_split generates a specified total number of data points by generating new data points in a region defined by the configuration parameters and stores the result in a new atmospheric data file with the file name provided in .

The following atm_split specific configuration parameters can be used:

parameter purpose default
SPLIT_N total number of data points to generate
SPLIT_M total SO2 mass of all data points [] -999
SPLIT_DT delta time [s] 0
SPLIT_T0 time window start [s] 0
SPLIT_T1 time window end [s] 0
SPLIT_DZ vertical radius [km] 0
SPLIT_Z0 altitude range start [km] 0
SPLIT_Z1 altitude range end [km] 0
SPLIT_DX horizontal radius [km] 0
SPLIT_LON0 longitude range start 0
SPLIT_LON1 longitude range end; LON0<LON1 0
SPLIT_LAT0 latitude range start 0
SPLIT_LAT1 latitude range end; LAT0<LAT1 0
SPLIT_KERNEL kernel file name

If a range is provided the data points are distributed uniformly. If a distance is provided (DT, DZ, DX), the data points are distributed with a Gaussian random variate where e.g. ‘distance’/2.3548 = FWHM.

Note: Instead of using the control file the configuration parameters can also be appended to the function call.