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Conversion of meteorological data

# calling met_conv
./met_conv <ctl> <met_in> <met_in_type> <met_out> <met_out_type>

The required paramters are as follows:

  • ctl: The control file.
  • met_in: The name of the meteorological file that should be converted.
  • met_in_type: The format type of the meteorological input file.
  • met_out: The name of the meteorological file in the new data format.
  • met_out_type: The type into the meteorological data file should be converted.
# An example command line for running met_conv looks like
./met_conv trac.ctl 0 era5_2017_01_08_17.zstd 4

Here the meteorological data file in netcdf format is converted (compressed) to the zstd format.

The following input/output files are supported by met_conv:

Type In/Out Format
0 netcdf
1 binary
2 pck
3 zfp
4 zstd

whereby netcdf and binary are standard data formats. Pck (layer packing,, zfp ( and zst (zstandard, are compression formats.

Currently to enable the usage of zfp and zstd format MPTRAC needs to be compiled using ZSTD=1 and ZFP=1:


Run make enabling the usage of the ZFP and ZSTD compression

$ make ZSTD=1 ZFP=1 ````