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Extract zonal mean from meteorological data.

The calling sequence is:

# calling met_zm
$ ./met_zm  <ctl> <> <met0> [<met1> ...]

The required arguments are: * ctl: The file containing the control parameters. * The output file where the zonal means are stored. * met0 [\<met1> ...]: The meteorological input files from which the zonal mean should be calculatd from.

Calling met_zm and creating a global zonal mean data with latitude band of 10 degree from ERA5 data would look like as follows:

# Calling met_zm
$./met_prof - \
    ZM_DLAT 10  

The optional control parameters required are listed as follows:

parameter purpose default
ZM_Z0 Altitude range start [km] -999
ZM_Z1 Altitude range end [km] -999
ZM_DZ Altitude interval [km] -999
ZM_LON0 Longitude range start -180
ZM_LON1 Longitude range end 180
ZM_LAT0 Latitude range start -90
ZM_LAT1 Latitude range end 90
ZM_DLAT Latitude interval -999

Note: if ZM_DZ, ZM_Z0, ZM_Z1 are not defined, the output dimension of altitude will follow the meteorological data.