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This application calculates the PSC formation temperatures (in Kelvin).

# Calling tnat
$./tnat <p> <h2o> <hno3>

Required paramters are: * p: The atmospheric pressure in hPa. * h2o: The volume mixing ratio (ppv) of water vapour. * hno3: The volume mixing ratio (ppv) of sulfuric acid.

Assuming a pressure of 50 hPa and a H2O volume mixing ratio of 5 ppmv and a HNO3 mixing ratio of 15 ppbv:

$./tnat 50 5e-6 15e-9

one receives the following ouput:

$ p = 50 hPa
$ q_H2O = 5e-06 ppv
$ q_HNO3 = 1.5e-08 ppv
$ T_dew = 184.543 K
$ T_ice = 188.559 K
$ T_NAT = 196.312 K