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This application extracts the zonal mean of a tropopause data set.

# Calling tropo_zm
./tropo_zm <ctl> <> <var> <>

The required parameters are: * ctrl: The file containing the control parameters. * The ouput file in which the zonal means should be stored. * var: The tropopause variables * The tropopause data set of which the zonal means should be calculated.

var description
clp cold point tropopause
dyn dynamical tropopause
wmo_1st WMO first lapse rate tropopause
wmo_2nd WMO secon lapse rate tropopause


for var in clp dyn wmo_1st wmo_2nd ; do
    ../src/tropo_zm - zm_$ $var

Here: * ../src/tropo_zm: calling tropo_zm * no control file is given * zm_$ output of the zonal mean tropopause with the same latitude as the input data * input, the tropopause dataset produced by "tropo"

output: * $1 = time [s] * $2 = latitude [deg] * $3 = tropopause height (mean) [km] * $4 = tropopause pressure (mean) [hPa] * $5 = tropopause temperature (mean) [K] * $6 = tropopause water vapor (mean) [ppv] * $7 = tropopause ozone (mean) [ppv] * $8 = tropopause height (sigma) [km] * $9 = tropopause pressure (sigma) [hPa] * $10 = tropopause temperature (sigma) [K] * $11 = tropopause water vapor (sigma) [ppv] * $12 = tropopause ozone (sigma) [ppv] * $13 = number of data points * $14 = occurrence frequency [%]