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This app creates a meteorological data file with synthetic wind fields suitable for testing advection using the method of Williamson et al. (1992, Sect. 3). The synthetic wind field describes a global rotation around the Earth with a given rotation axis. The output is written in form of MPTRAC's netCDF meteo file format.

  • Williamson, D. L., Drake, J. B., Hack, J. J., Jakob, R., & Swarztrauber, P. N. (1992). A standard test set for numerical approximations to the shallow water equations in spherical geometry. Journal of computational physics, 102(1), 211-224.
# Calling wind
$ ./wind <ctl> <metbase>

The required parameters are: * ctl: the control parameter file * metbase: the basename of the output file

Optional control parameters: * WIND_T0: time step of meteo data (default: 0 s) * WIND_NX: number of longitudes (default: 360) * WIND_NY: number of latitudes (default: 181) * WIND_NZ: number of pressure levels (default: 61) * WIND_Z0: log-pressure height of lowermost pressure level (default: 0 km) * WIND_Z1: log-pressure height of uppermost pressure level (default: 60 km) * WIND_U0: horizontal wind speed at lowermost level (default: 38.587660177302 m/s) * WIND_U1: horizontal wind speed at uppermost level (default: 38.587660177302 m/s) * WIND_W0: vertical velocity (default: 0 m/s) * WIND_ALPHA: rotation angle (default: 0 deg)