int | nq |
| Number of quantities. More...
char | qnt_name [NQ][LEN] |
| Quantity names. More...
char | qnt_longname [NQ][LEN] |
| Quantity long names. More...
char | qnt_unit [NQ][LEN] |
| Quantity units. More...
char | qnt_format [NQ][LEN] |
| Quantity output format. More...
int | qnt_idx |
| Quantity array index for air parcel IDs. More...
int | qnt_ens |
| Quantity array index for ensemble IDs. More...
int | qnt_stat |
| Quantity array index for station flag. More...
int | qnt_m |
| Quantity array index for mass. More...
int | qnt_vmr |
| Quantity array index for volume mixing ratio. More...
int | qnt_rp |
| Quantity array index for particle radius. More...
int | qnt_rhop |
| Quantity array index for particle density. More...
int | qnt_ps |
| Quantity array index for surface pressure. More...
int | qnt_ts |
| Quantity array index for surface temperature. More...
int | qnt_zs |
| Quantity array index for surface geopotential height. More...
int | qnt_us |
| Quantity array index for surface zonal wind. More...
int | qnt_vs |
| Quantity array index for surface meridional wind. More...
int | qnt_ess |
| Quantity array index for eastward turbulent surface stress. More...
int | qnt_nss |
| Quantity array index for northward turbulent surface stress. More...
int | qnt_shf |
| Quantity array index for surface sensible heat flux. More...
int | qnt_lsm |
| Quantity array index for land-sea mask. More...
int | qnt_sst |
| Quantity array index for sea surface temperature. More...
int | qnt_pbl |
| Quantity array index for boundary layer pressure. More...
int | qnt_pt |
| Quantity array index for tropopause pressure. More...
int | qnt_tt |
| Quantity array index for tropopause temperature. More...
int | qnt_zt |
| Quantity array index for tropopause geopotential height. More...
int | qnt_h2ot |
| Quantity array index for tropopause water vapor volume mixing ratio. More...
int | qnt_zg |
| Quantity array index for geopotential height. More...
int | qnt_p |
| Quantity array index for pressure. More...
int | qnt_t |
| Quantity array index for temperature. More...
int | qnt_rho |
| Quantity array index for density of air. More...
int | qnt_u |
| Quantity array index for zonal wind. More...
int | qnt_v |
| Quantity array index for meridional wind. More...
int | qnt_w |
| Quantity array index for vertical velocity. More...
int | qnt_h2o |
| Quantity array index for water vapor volume mixing ratio. More...
int | qnt_o3 |
| Quantity array index for ozone volume mixing ratio. More...
int | qnt_lwc |
| Quantity array index for cloud liquid water content. More...
int | qnt_rwc |
| Quantity array index for cloud rain water content. More...
int | qnt_iwc |
| Quantity array index for cloud ice water content. More...
int | qnt_swc |
| Quantity array index for cloud snow water content. More...
int | qnt_cc |
| Quantity array index for cloud cover. More...
int | qnt_pct |
| Quantity array index for cloud top pressure. More...
int | qnt_pcb |
| Quantity array index for cloud bottom pressure. More...
int | qnt_cl |
| Quantity array index for total column cloud water. More...
int | qnt_plcl |
| Quantity array index for pressure at lifted condensation level (LCL). More...
int | qnt_plfc |
| Quantity array index for pressure at level of free convection (LCF). More...
int | qnt_pel |
| Quantity array index for pressure at equilibrium level (EL). More...
int | qnt_cape |
| Quantity array index for convective available potential energy (CAPE). More...
int | qnt_cin |
| Quantity array index for convective inhibition (CIN). More...
int | qnt_o3c |
| Quantity array index for total column ozone. More...
int | qnt_hno3 |
| Quantity array index for HNO3 volume mixing ratio (climatology). More...
int | qnt_oh |
| Quantity array index for OH volume mixing ratio (climatology). More...
int | qnt_h2o2 |
| Quantity array index for H2O2 volume mixing ratio (climatology). More...
int | qnt_ho2 |
| Quantity array index for HO2 volume mixing ratio (climatology). More...
int | qnt_o1d |
| Quantity array index for O(1D) volume mixing ratio (climatology). More...
int | qnt_mloss_oh |
| Quantity array index for total mass loss due to OH chemistry. More...
int | qnt_mloss_h2o2 |
| Quantity array index for total mass loss due to H2O2 chemistry. More...
int | qnt_mloss_kpp |
| Quantity array index for total mass loss due to KPP chemistry. More...
int | qnt_mloss_wet |
| Quantity array index for total mass loss due to wet deposition. More...
int | qnt_mloss_dry |
| Quantity array index for total mass loss due to dry deposition. More...
int | qnt_mloss_decay |
| Quantity array index for total mass loss due to exponential decay. More...
int | qnt_loss_rate |
| Quantity array index for total loss rate. More...
int | qnt_psat |
| Quantity array index for saturation pressure over water. More...
int | qnt_psice |
| Quantity array index for saturation pressure over ice. More...
int | qnt_pw |
| Quantity array index for partial water vapor pressure. More...
int | qnt_sh |
| Quantity array index for specific humidity. More...
int | qnt_rh |
| Quantity array index for relative humidity over water. More...
int | qnt_rhice |
| Quantity array index for relative humidity over ice. More...
int | qnt_theta |
| Quantity array index for potential temperature. More...
int | qnt_zeta |
| Quantity array index for zeta vertical coordinate. More...
int | qnt_zeta_d |
| Quantity array index for diagnosed zeta vertical coordinate. More...
int | qnt_tvirt |
| Quantity array index for virtual temperature. More...
int | qnt_lapse |
| Quantity array index for lapse rate. More...
int | qnt_vh |
| Quantity array index for horizontal wind. More...
int | qnt_vz |
| Quantity array index for vertical velocity. More...
int | qnt_pv |
| Quantity array index for potential vorticity. More...
int | qnt_tdew |
| Quantity array index for dew point temperature. More...
int | qnt_tice |
| Quantity array index for T_ice. More...
int | qnt_tsts |
| Quantity array index for T_STS. More...
int | qnt_tnat |
| Quantity array index for T_NAT. More...
int | qnt_Cx |
| Quantity array index for trace species x volume mixing ratio (chemistry code). More...
int | qnt_Ch2o |
| Quantity array index for H2O volume mixing ratio (chemistry code). More...
int | qnt_Co3 |
| Quantity array index for O3 volume mixing ratio (chemistry code). More...
int | qnt_Cco |
| Quantity array index for CO volume mixing ratio (chemistry code). More...
int | qnt_Coh |
| Quantity array index for OH volume mixing ratio (chemistry code). More...
int | qnt_Ch |
| Quantity array index for H volume mixing ratio (chemistry code). More...
int | qnt_Cho2 |
| Quantity array index for HO2 volume mixing ratio (chemistry code). More...
int | qnt_Ch2o2 |
| Quantity array index for H2O2 volume mixing ratio (chemistry code). More...
int | qnt_Co1d |
| Quantity array index for O(1D) volume mixing ratio (chemistry code). More...
int | qnt_Co3p |
| Quantity array index for O(3P) volume mixing ratio (chemistry code). More...
int | qnt_Cccl4 |
| Quantity array index for CFC-10 volume mixing ratio (chemistry code). More...
int | qnt_Cccl3f |
| Quantity array index for CFC-11 volume mixing ratio (chemistry code). More...
int | qnt_Cccl2f2 |
| Quantity array index for CFC-12 volume mixing ratio (chemistry code). More...
int | qnt_Cn2o |
| Quantity array index for N2O volume mixing ratio (chemistry code). More...
int | qnt_Csf6 |
| Quantity array index for SF6 volume mixing ratio (chemistry code). More...
int | qnt_aoa |
| Quantity array index for age of air. More...
int | direction |
| Direction flag (1=forward calculation, -1=backward calculation). More...
double | t_start |
| Start time of simulation [s]. More...
double | t_stop |
| Stop time of simulation [s]. More...
double | dt_mod |
| Time step of simulation [s]. More...
char | metbase [LEN] |
| Basename for meteo data. More...
double | dt_met |
| Time step of meteo data [s]. More...
int | met_convention |
| Meteo data layout (0=[lev, lat, lon], 1=[lon, lat, lev]). More...
int | met_vert_coord |
| Vertical coordinate of input meteo data (0=plev, 1=mlev_p_file, 2=mlev_ab_file, 3=mlev_ab_full, 4=mlev_ab_half). More...
int | met_type |
| Type of meteo data files (0=netCDF, 1=binary, 2=pck, 3=zfp, 4=zstd, 5=cms). More...
int | met_clams |
| Read MPTRAC or CLaMS meteo data (0=MPTRAC, 1=CLaMS). More...
int | met_nc_scale |
| Check netCDF scaling factors (0=no, 1=yes). More...
int | met_nc_level |
| zlib compression level of netCDF meteo files (0=off). More...
int | met_nc_quant |
| Number of digits for quantization of netCDF meteo files (0=off). More...
int | met_zfp_prec |
| ZFP compression precision for all variables, except z and T. More...
double | met_zfp_tol_t |
| ZFP compression tolerance for temperature. More...
double | met_zfp_tol_z |
| ZFP compression tolerance for geopotential height. More...
int | met_cms_batch |
| cmultiscale batch size. More...
int | met_cms_zstd |
| cmultiscale zstd compression (0=off, 1=on). More...
int | met_cms_heur |
| cmultiscale coarsening heuristics (0=default, 1=mean diff, 2=median diff, 3=max diff). More...
double | met_cms_eps_z |
| cmultiscale compression epsilon for geopotential height. More...
double | met_cms_eps_t |
| cmultiscale compression epsilon for temperature. More...
double | met_cms_eps_u |
| cmultiscale compression epsilon for zonal wind. More...
double | met_cms_eps_v |
| cmultiscale compression epsilon for meridional wind. More...
double | met_cms_eps_w |
| cmultiscale compression epsilon for vertical velocity. More...
double | met_cms_eps_pv |
| cmultiscale compression epsilon for potential vorticity. More...
double | met_cms_eps_h2o |
| cmultiscale compression epsilon for water vapor. More...
double | met_cms_eps_o3 |
| cmultiscale compression epsilon for ozone. More...
double | met_cms_eps_lwc |
| cmultiscale compression epsilon for cloud liquid water content. More...
double | met_cms_eps_rwc |
| cmultiscale compression epsilon for cloud rain water content. More...
double | met_cms_eps_iwc |
| cmultiscale compression epsilon for cloud ice water content. More...
double | met_cms_eps_swc |
| cmultiscale compression epsilon for cloud snow water content. More...
double | met_cms_eps_cc |
| cmultiscale compression epsilon for cloud cover. More...
int | met_dx |
| Stride for longitudes. More...
int | met_dy |
| Stride for latitudes. More...
int | met_dp |
| Stride for pressure levels. More...
int | met_sx |
| Smoothing for longitudes. More...
int | met_sy |
| Smoothing for latitudes. More...
int | met_sp |
| Smoothing for pressure levels. More...
double | met_detrend |
| FWHM of horizontal Gaussian used for detrending [km]. More...
int | met_np |
| Number of target pressure levels. More...
double | met_p [EP] |
| Target pressure levels [hPa]. More...
int | met_press_level_def |
| Use predefined pressure levels or not. More...
int | met_nlev |
| Number of meteo data model levels. More...
double | met_lev_hyam [EP] |
| Meteo data model level a coefficients. More...
double | met_lev_hybm [EP] |
| Meteo data model level b coefficients. More...
int | met_geopot_sx |
| Longitudinal smoothing of geopotential heights. More...
int | met_geopot_sy |
| Latitudinal smoothing of geopotential heights. More...
int | met_relhum |
| Try to read relative humidity (0=no, 1=yes). More...
int | met_cape |
| Convective available potential energy data (0=file, 1=calculate). More...
int | met_pbl |
| Planetary boundary layer data (0=file, 1=z2p, 2=Richardson, 3=theta). More...
double | met_pbl_min |
| Minimum depth of planetary boundary layer [km]. More...
double | met_pbl_max |
| Maximum depth of planetary boundary layer [km]. More...
int | met_tropo |
| Tropopause definition (0=none, 1=clim, 2=cold point, 3=WMO_1st, 4=WMO_2nd, 5=dynamical). More...
double | met_tropo_pv |
| Dynamical tropopause potential vorticity threshold [PVU]. More...
double | met_tropo_theta |
| Dynamical tropopause potential temperature threshold [K]. More...
int | met_tropo_spline |
| Tropopause interpolation method (0=linear, 1=spline). More...
double | met_dt_out |
| Time step for sampling of meteo data along trajectories [s]. More...
int | met_cache |
| Preload meteo data into disk cache (0=no, 1=yes). More...
int | met_mpi_share |
| Use MPI to share meteo (0=no, 1=yes). More...
double | sort_dt |
| Time step for sorting of particle data [s]. More...
int | isosurf |
| Isosurface parameter (0=none, 1=pressure, 2=density, 3=theta, 4=balloon). More...
char | balloon [LEN] |
| Balloon position filename. More...
int | advect |
| Advection scheme (0=off, 1=Euler, 2=midpoint, 4=Runge-Kutta). More...
int | advect_vert_coord |
| Vertical velocity of air parcels (0=omega_on_plev, 1=zetadot_on_mlev, 2=omega_on_mlev). More...
int | rng_type |
| Random number generator (0=GSL, 1=Squares, 2=cuRAND). More...
int | diffusion |
| Diffusion scheme (0=off, 1=fixed-K, 2=PBL). More...
double | turb_dx_pbl |
| Horizontal turbulent diffusion coefficient (PBL) [m^2/s]. More...
double | turb_dx_trop |
| Horizontal turbulent diffusion coefficient (troposphere) [m^2/s]. More...
double | turb_dx_strat |
| Horizontal turbulent diffusion coefficient (stratosphere) [m^2/s]. More...
double | turb_dz_pbl |
| Vertical turbulent diffusion coefficient (PBL) [m^2/s]. More...
double | turb_dz_trop |
| Vertical turbulent diffusion coefficient (troposphere) [m^2/s]. More...
double | turb_dz_strat |
| Vertical turbulent diffusion coefficient (stratosphere) [m^2/s]. More...
double | turb_mesox |
| Horizontal scaling factor for mesoscale wind fluctuations. More...
double | turb_mesoz |
| Vertical scaling factor for mesoscale wind fluctuations. More...
int | conv_mix_pbl |
| Vertical mixing in the PBL (0=off, 1=on). More...
double | conv_pbl_trans |
| Depth of PBL transition layer (fraction of PBL depth). More...
double | conv_cape |
| CAPE threshold for convection module [J/kg]. More...
double | conv_cin |
| CIN threshold for convection module [J/kg]. More...
double | conv_dt |
| Time interval for convection module [s]. More...
double | bound_mass |
| Boundary conditions mass per particle [kg]. More...
double | bound_mass_trend |
| Boundary conditions mass per particle trend [kg/s]. More...
double | bound_vmr |
| Boundary conditions volume mixing ratio [ppv]. More...
double | bound_vmr_trend |
| Boundary conditions volume mixing ratio trend [ppv/s]. More...
double | bound_lat0 |
| Boundary conditions minimum longitude [deg]. More...
double | bound_lat1 |
| Boundary conditions maximum longitude [deg]. More...
double | bound_p0 |
| Boundary conditions bottom pressure [hPa]. More...
double | bound_p1 |
| Boundary conditions top pressure [hPa]. More...
double | bound_dps |
| Boundary conditions surface layer depth [hPa]. More...
double | bound_dzs |
| Boundary conditions surface layer depth [km]. More...
double | bound_zetas |
| Boundary conditions surface layer zeta [K]. More...
int | bound_pbl |
| Boundary conditions planetary boundary layer (0=no, 1=yes). More...
char | species [LEN] |
| Species. More...
double | molmass |
| Molar mass [g/mol]. More...
double | tdec_trop |
| Life time of particles in the troposphere [s]. More...
double | tdec_strat |
| Life time of particles in the stratosphere [s]. More...
char | clim_photo [LEN] |
| Filename of photolysis rates climatology. More...
char | clim_hno3_filename [LEN] |
| Filename of HNO3 climatology. More...
char | clim_oh_filename [LEN] |
| Filename of OH climatology. More...
char | clim_h2o2_filename [LEN] |
| Filename of H2O2 climatology. More...
char | clim_ho2_filename [LEN] |
| Filename of HO2 climatology. More...
char | clim_o1d_filename [LEN] |
| Filename of O(1D) climatology. More...
char | clim_o3_filename [LEN] |
| Filename of O3 climatology. More...
char | clim_ccl4_timeseries [LEN] |
| Filename of CFC-10 time series. More...
char | clim_ccl3f_timeseries [LEN] |
| Filename of CFC-11 time series. More...
char | clim_ccl2f2_timeseries [LEN] |
| Filename of CFC-12 time series. More...
char | clim_n2o_timeseries [LEN] |
| Filename of N2O time series. More...
char | clim_sf6_timeseries [LEN] |
| Filename of SF6 time series. More...
double | mixing_dt |
| Time interval for mixing [s]. More...
double | mixing_trop |
| Interparcel exchange parameter for mixing in the troposphere. More...
double | mixing_strat |
| Interparcel exchange parameter for mixing in the stratosphere. More...
int | mixing_nz |
| Number of altitudes of mixing grid. More...
double | mixing_z0 |
| Lower altitude of mixing grid [km]. More...
double | mixing_z1 |
| Upper altitude of mixing grid [km]. More...
int | mixing_nx |
| Number of longitudes of mixing grid. More...
double | mixing_lon0 |
| Lower longitude of mixing grid [deg]. More...
double | mixing_lon1 |
| Upper longitude of mixing grid [deg]. More...
int | mixing_ny |
| Number of latitudes of mixing grid. More...
double | mixing_lat0 |
| Lower latitude of mixing grid [deg]. More...
double | mixing_lat1 |
| Upper latitude of mixing grid [deg]. More...
int | chemgrid_nz |
| Number of altitudes of chemistry grid. More...
double | chemgrid_z0 |
| Lower altitude of chemistry grid [km]. More...
double | chemgrid_z1 |
| Upper altitude of chemistry grid [km]. More...
int | chemgrid_nx |
| Number of longitudes of chemistry grid. More...
double | chemgrid_lon0 |
| Lower longitude of chemistry grid [deg]. More...
double | chemgrid_lon1 |
| Upper longitude of chemistry grid [deg]. More...
int | chemgrid_ny |
| Number of latitudes of chemistry grid. More...
double | chemgrid_lat0 |
| Lower latitude of chemistry grid [deg]. More...
double | chemgrid_lat1 |
| Upper latitude of chemistry grid [deg]. More...
int | oh_chem_reaction |
| Reaction type for OH chemistry (0=none, 2=bimolecular, 3=termolecular). More...
double | oh_chem [4] |
| Coefficients for OH reaction rate (A, E/R or k0, n, kinf, m). More...
double | oh_chem_beta |
| Beta parameter for diurnal variablity of OH. More...
int | h2o2_chem_reaction |
| Reaction type for H2O2 chemistry (0=none, 1=SO2). More...
int | kpp_chem |
| Switch for KPP chemistry module (0=off, 1=on). More...
double | dt_kpp |
| Time step for KPP chemistry [s]. More...
int | tracer_chem |
| Switch for first order tracer chemistry module (0=off, 1=on). More...
double | wet_depo_pre [2] |
| Coefficients for precipitation calculation. More...
double | wet_depo_bc_a |
| Coefficient A for wet deposition below cloud (exponential form). More...
double | wet_depo_bc_b |
| Coefficient B for wet deposition below cloud (exponential form). More...
double | wet_depo_ic_a |
| Coefficient A for wet deposition in cloud (exponential form). More...
double | wet_depo_ic_b |
| Coefficient B for wet deposition in cloud (exponential form). More...
double | wet_depo_ic_h [2] |
| Coefficients for wet deposition in cloud (Henry's law: Hb, Cb). More...
double | wet_depo_bc_h [2] |
| Coefficients for wet deposition below cloud (Henry's law: Hb, Cb). More...
double | wet_depo_so2_ph |
| pH value used to calculate effective Henry constant of SO2. More...
double | wet_depo_ic_ret_ratio |
| Coefficients for wet deposition in cloud: retention ratio. More...
double | wet_depo_bc_ret_ratio |
| Coefficients for wet deposition below cloud: retention ratio. More...
double | dry_depo_dp |
| Dry deposition surface layer [hPa]. More...
double | dry_depo_vdep |
| Dry deposition velocity [m/s]. More...
double | psc_h2o |
| H2O volume mixing ratio for PSC analysis. More...
double | psc_hno3 |
| HNO3 volume mixing ratio for PSC analysis. More...
char | atm_basename [LEN] |
| Basename of atmospheric data files. More...
char | atm_gpfile [LEN] |
| Gnuplot file for atmospheric data. More...
double | atm_dt_out |
| Time step for atmospheric data output [s]. More...
int | atm_filter |
| Time filter for atmospheric data output (0=none, 1=missval, 2=remove). More...
int | atm_stride |
| Particle index stride for atmospheric data files. More...
int | atm_type |
| Type of atmospheric data files (0=ASCII, 1=binary, 2=netCDF, 3=CLaMS_traj, 4=CLaMS_pos). More...
int | atm_type_out |
| Type of atmospheric data files for output (-1=same as ATM_TYPE, 0=ASCII, 1=binary, 2=netCDF, 3=CLaMS_traj, 4=CLaMS_pos). More...
int | atm_nc_level |
| zlib compression level of netCDF atmospheric data files (0=off). More...
int | atm_nc_quant [NQ] |
| Number of digits for quantization of netCDF atmospheric data files (0=off). More...
int | obs_type |
| Type of observation data files (0=ASCII, 1=netCDF). More...
char | csi_basename [LEN] |
| Basename of CSI data files. More...
char | csi_kernel [LEN] |
| Kernel data file for CSI output. More...
double | csi_dt_out |
| Time step for CSI output [s]. More...
char | csi_obsfile [LEN] |
| Observation data file for CSI analysis. More...
double | csi_obsmin |
| Minimum observation index to trigger detection. More...
double | csi_modmin |
| Minimum column density to trigger detection [kg/m^2]. More...
int | csi_nz |
| Number of altitudes of gridded CSI data. More...
double | csi_z0 |
| Lower altitude of gridded CSI data [km]. More...
double | csi_z1 |
| Upper altitude of gridded CSI data [km]. More...
int | csi_nx |
| Number of longitudes of gridded CSI data. More...
double | csi_lon0 |
| Lower longitude of gridded CSI data [deg]. More...
double | csi_lon1 |
| Upper longitude of gridded CSI data [deg]. More...
int | csi_ny |
| Number of latitudes of gridded CSI data. More...
double | csi_lat0 |
| Lower latitude of gridded CSI data [deg]. More...
double | csi_lat1 |
| Upper latitude of gridded CSI data [deg]. More...
char | ens_basename [LEN] |
| Basename of ensemble data file. More...
double | ens_dt_out |
| Time step for ensemble output [s]. More...
char | grid_basename [LEN] |
| Basename of grid data files. More...
char | grid_kernel [LEN] |
| Kernel data file for grid output. More...
char | grid_gpfile [LEN] |
| Gnuplot file for gridded data. More...
double | grid_dt_out |
| Time step for gridded data output [s]. More...
int | grid_sparse |
| Sparse output in grid data files (0=no, 1=yes). More...
int | grid_nc_level |
| zlib compression level of netCDF grid data files (0=off). More...
int | grid_nc_quant [NQ] |
| Number of digits for quantization of netCDF grid data files (0=off). More...
int | grid_stddev |
| Include standard deviations in grid output (0=no, 1=yes). More...
int | grid_nz |
| Number of altitudes of gridded data. More...
double | grid_z0 |
| Lower altitude of gridded data [km]. More...
double | grid_z1 |
| Upper altitude of gridded data [km]. More...
int | grid_nx |
| Number of longitudes of gridded data. More...
double | grid_lon0 |
| Lower longitude of gridded data [deg]. More...
double | grid_lon1 |
| Upper longitude of gridded data [deg]. More...
int | grid_ny |
| Number of latitudes of gridded data. More...
double | grid_lat0 |
| Lower latitude of gridded data [deg]. More...
double | grid_lat1 |
| Upper latitude of gridded data [deg]. More...
int | grid_type |
| Type of grid data files (0=ASCII, 1=netCDF). More...
char | prof_basename [LEN] |
| Basename for profile output file. More...
char | prof_obsfile [LEN] |
| Observation data file for profile output. More...
int | prof_nz |
| Number of altitudes of gridded profile data. More...
double | prof_z0 |
| Lower altitude of gridded profile data [km]. More...
double | prof_z1 |
| Upper altitude of gridded profile data [km]. More...
int | prof_nx |
| Number of longitudes of gridded profile data. More...
double | prof_lon0 |
| Lower longitude of gridded profile data [deg]. More...
double | prof_lon1 |
| Upper longitude of gridded profile data [deg]. More...
int | prof_ny |
| Number of latitudes of gridded profile data. More...
double | prof_lat0 |
| Lower latitude of gridded profile data [deg]. More...
double | prof_lat1 |
| Upper latitude of gridded profile data [deg]. More...
char | sample_basename [LEN] |
| Basename of sample data file. More...
char | sample_kernel [LEN] |
| Kernel data file for sample output. More...
char | sample_obsfile [LEN] |
| Observation data file for sample output. More...
double | sample_dx |
| Horizontal radius for sample output [km]. More...
double | sample_dz |
| Layer depth for sample output [km]. More...
char | stat_basename [LEN] |
| Basename of station data file. More...
double | stat_lon |
| Longitude of station [deg]. More...
double | stat_lat |
| Latitude of station [deg]. More...
double | stat_r |
| Search radius around station [km]. More...
double | stat_t0 |
| Start time for station output [s]. More...
double | stat_t1 |
| Stop time for station output [s]. More...
char | vtk_basename [LEN] |
| Basename of VTK data files. More...
double | vtk_dt_out |
| Time step for VTK data output [s]. More...
int | vtk_stride |
| Particle index stride for VTK data. More...
double | vtk_scale |
| Vertical scaling factor for VTK data. More...
double | vtk_offset |
| Vertical offset for VTK data [km]. More...
int | vtk_sphere |
| Spherical projection for VTK data (0=no, 1=yes). More...