105#include <gsl/gsl_fft_complex.h>
106#include <gsl/gsl_math.h>
107#include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>
108#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
109#include <gsl/gsl_spline.h>
110#include <gsl/gsl_statistics.h>
142#include "cmultiscale.h"
146#include "chem_Parameters.h"
147#include "chem_Global.h"
148#include "chem_Sparse.h"
157#define AVO 6.02214076e23
167#define EPS (MH2O / MA)
192#define KB 1.3806504e-23
217#define RA (1e3 * RI / MA)
343#define ALLOC(ptr, type, n) \
344 if(acc_get_num_devices(acc_device_nvidia) <= 0) \
345 ERRMSG("Not running on a GPU device!"); \
346 if((ptr=calloc((size_t)(n), sizeof(type)))==NULL) \
347 ERRMSG("Out of memory!");
349#define ALLOC(ptr, type, n) \
350 if((ptr=calloc((size_t)(n), sizeof(type)))==NULL) \
351 ERRMSG("Out of memory!");
372#define ARRAY_2D(ix, iy, ny) \
391#define ARRAY_3D(ix, iy, ny, iz, nz) \
392 (((ix)*(ny) + (iy)) * (nz) + (iz))
416#define ARRHENIUS(a, b, t) \
417 ((a) * exp( -(b) / (t)))
440#define DEG2DX(dlon, lat) \
441 (RE * DEG2RAD(dlon) * cos(DEG2RAD(lat)))
461#define DEG2DY(dlat) \
478#define DEG2RAD(deg) \
479 ((deg) * (M_PI / 180.0))
503#define DP2DZ(dp, p) \
525#define DX2DEG(dx, lat) \
526 (((lat) < -89.999 || (lat) > 89.999) ? 0 \
527 : (dx) * 180. / (M_PI * RE * cos(DEG2RAD(lat))))
544 ((dy) * 180. / (M_PI * RE))
562#define DZ2DP(dz, p) \
595 ((a[0]-b[0])*(a[0]-b[0])+(a[1]-b[1])*(a[1]-b[1])+(a[2]-b[2])*(a[2]-b[2]))
611 (a[0]*b[0]+a[1]*b[1]+a[2]*b[2])
630 ((x) - (int) ((x) / (y)) * (y))
647#define FREAD(ptr, type, size, in) { \
648 if(fread(ptr, sizeof(type), size, in)!=size) \
649 ERRMSG("Error while reading!"); \
667#define FWRITE(ptr, type, size, out) { \
668 if(fwrite(ptr, sizeof(type), size, out)!=size) \
669 ERRMSG("Error while writing!"); \
683 double cw[4] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; int ci[3] = {0, 0, 0};
696#define INTPOL_2D(var, init) \
697 intpol_met_time_2d(met0, met0->var, met1, met1->var, \
698 atm->time[ip], atm->lon[ip], atm->lat[ip], \
713#define INTPOL_3D(var, init) \
714 intpol_met_time_3d(met0, met0->var, met1, met1->var, \
715 atm->time[ip], atm->p[ip], \
716 atm->lon[ip], atm->lat[ip], \
732#define INTPOL_SPACE_ALL(p, lon, lat) { \
733 intpol_met_space_3d(met, met->z, p, lon, lat, &z, ci, cw, 1); \
734 intpol_met_space_3d(met, met->t, p, lon, lat, &t, ci, cw, 0); \
735 intpol_met_space_3d(met, met->u, p, lon, lat, &u, ci, cw, 0); \
736 intpol_met_space_3d(met, met->v, p, lon, lat, &v, ci, cw, 0); \
737 intpol_met_space_3d(met, met->w, p, lon, lat, &w, ci, cw, 0); \
738 intpol_met_space_3d(met, met->pv, p, lon, lat, &pv, ci, cw, 0); \
739 intpol_met_space_3d(met, met->h2o, p, lon, lat, &h2o, ci, cw, 0); \
740 intpol_met_space_3d(met, met->o3, p, lon, lat, &o3, ci, cw, 0); \
741 intpol_met_space_3d(met, met->lwc, p, lon, lat, &lwc, ci, cw, 0); \
742 intpol_met_space_3d(met, met->rwc, p, lon, lat, &rwc, ci, cw, 0); \
743 intpol_met_space_3d(met, met->iwc, p, lon, lat, &iwc, ci, cw, 0); \
744 intpol_met_space_3d(met, met->swc, p, lon, lat, &swc, ci, cw, 0); \
745 intpol_met_space_3d(met, met->cc, p, lon, lat, &cc, ci, cw, 0); \
746 intpol_met_space_2d(met, met->ps, lon, lat, &ps, ci, cw, 0); \
747 intpol_met_space_2d(met, met->ts, lon, lat, &ts, ci, cw, 0); \
748 intpol_met_space_2d(met, met->zs, lon, lat, &zs, ci, cw, 0); \
749 intpol_met_space_2d(met, met->us, lon, lat, &us, ci, cw, 0); \
750 intpol_met_space_2d(met, met->vs, lon, lat, &vs, ci, cw, 0); \
751 intpol_met_space_2d(met, met->ess, ess, lat, &ess, ci, cw, 0); \
752 intpol_met_space_2d(met, met->nss, nss, lat, &nss, ci, cw, 0); \
753 intpol_met_space_2d(met, met->shf, shf, lat, &shf, ci, cw, 0); \
754 intpol_met_space_2d(met, met->lsm, lon, lat, &lsm, ci, cw, 0); \
755 intpol_met_space_2d(met, met->sst, lon, lat, &sst, ci, cw, 0); \
756 intpol_met_space_2d(met, met->pbl, lon, lat, &pbl, ci, cw, 0); \
757 intpol_met_space_2d(met, met->pt, lon, lat, &pt, ci, cw, 0); \
758 intpol_met_space_2d(met, met->tt, lon, lat, &tt, ci, cw, 0); \
759 intpol_met_space_2d(met, met->zt, lon, lat, &zt, ci, cw, 0); \
760 intpol_met_space_2d(met, met->h2ot, lon, lat, &h2ot, ci, cw, 0); \
761 intpol_met_space_2d(met, met->pct, lon, lat, &pct, ci, cw, 0); \
762 intpol_met_space_2d(met, met->pcb, lon, lat, &pcb, ci, cw, 0); \
763 intpol_met_space_2d(met, met->cl, lon, lat, &cl, ci, cw, 0); \
764 intpol_met_space_2d(met, met->plcl, lon, lat, &plcl, ci, cw, 0); \
765 intpol_met_space_2d(met, met->plfc, lon, lat, &plfc, ci, cw, 0); \
766 intpol_met_space_2d(met, met->pel, lon, lat, &pel, ci, cw, 0); \
767 intpol_met_space_2d(met, met->cape, lon, lat, &cape, ci, cw, 0); \
768 intpol_met_space_2d(met, met->cin, lon, lat, &cin, ci, cw, 0); \
769 intpol_met_space_2d(met, met->o3c, lon, lat, &o3c, ci, cw, 0); \
786#define INTPOL_TIME_ALL(time, p, lon, lat) { \
787 intpol_met_time_3d(met0, met0->z, met1, met1->z, time, p, lon, lat, &z, ci, cw, 1); \
788 intpol_met_time_3d(met0, met0->t, met1, met1->t, time, p, lon, lat, &t, ci, cw, 0); \
789 intpol_met_time_3d(met0, met0->u, met1, met1->u, time, p, lon, lat, &u, ci, cw, 0); \
790 intpol_met_time_3d(met0, met0->v, met1, met1->v, time, p, lon, lat, &v, ci, cw, 0); \
791 intpol_met_time_3d(met0, met0->w, met1, met1->w, time, p, lon, lat, &w, ci, cw, 0); \
792 intpol_met_time_3d(met0, met0->pv, met1, met1->pv, time, p, lon, lat, &pv, ci, cw, 0); \
793 intpol_met_time_3d(met0, met0->h2o, met1, met1->h2o, time, p, lon, lat, &h2o, ci, cw, 0); \
794 intpol_met_time_3d(met0, met0->o3, met1, met1->o3, time, p, lon, lat, &o3, ci, cw, 0); \
795 intpol_met_time_3d(met0, met0->lwc, met1, met1->lwc, time, p, lon, lat, &lwc, ci, cw, 0); \
796 intpol_met_time_3d(met0, met0->rwc, met1, met1->rwc, time, p, lon, lat, &rwc, ci, cw, 0); \
797 intpol_met_time_3d(met0, met0->iwc, met1, met1->iwc, time, p, lon, lat, &iwc, ci, cw, 0); \
798 intpol_met_time_3d(met0, met0->swc, met1, met1->swc, time, p, lon, lat, &swc, ci, cw, 0); \
799 intpol_met_time_3d(met0, met0->cc, met1, met1->cc, time, p, lon, lat, &cc, ci, cw, 0); \
800 intpol_met_time_2d(met0, met0->ps, met1, met1->ps, time, lon, lat, &ps, ci, cw, 0); \
801 intpol_met_time_2d(met0, met0->ts, met1, met1->ts, time, lon, lat, &ts, ci, cw, 0); \
802 intpol_met_time_2d(met0, met0->zs, met1, met1->zs, time, lon, lat, &zs, ci, cw, 0); \
803 intpol_met_time_2d(met0, met0->us, met1, met1->us, time, lon, lat, &us, ci, cw, 0); \
804 intpol_met_time_2d(met0, met0->vs, met1, met1->vs, time, lon, lat, &vs, ci, cw, 0); \
805 intpol_met_time_2d(met0, met0->ess, met1, met1->ess, time, lon, lat, &ess, ci, cw, 0); \
806 intpol_met_time_2d(met0, met0->nss, met1, met1->nss, time, lon, lat, &nss, ci, cw, 0); \
807 intpol_met_time_2d(met0, met0->shf, met1, met1->shf, time, lon, lat, &shf, ci, cw, 0); \
808 intpol_met_time_2d(met0, met0->lsm, met1, met1->lsm, time, lon, lat, &lsm, ci, cw, 0); \
809 intpol_met_time_2d(met0, met0->sst, met1, met1->sst, time, lon, lat, &sst, ci, cw, 0); \
810 intpol_met_time_2d(met0, met0->pbl, met1, met1->pbl, time, lon, lat, &pbl, ci, cw, 0); \
811 intpol_met_time_2d(met0, met0->pt, met1, met1->pt, time, lon, lat, &pt, ci, cw, 0); \
812 intpol_met_time_2d(met0, met0->tt, met1, met1->tt, time, lon, lat, &tt, ci, cw, 0); \
813 intpol_met_time_2d(met0, met0->zt, met1, met1->zt, time, lon, lat, &zt, ci, cw, 0); \
814 intpol_met_time_2d(met0, met0->h2ot, met1, met1->h2ot, time, lon, lat, &h2ot, ci, cw, 0); \
815 intpol_met_time_2d(met0, met0->pct, met1, met1->pct, time, lon, lat, &pct, ci, cw, 0); \
816 intpol_met_time_2d(met0, met0->pcb, met1, met1->pcb, time, lon, lat, &pcb, ci, cw, 0); \
817 intpol_met_time_2d(met0, met0->cl, met1, met1->cl, time, lon, lat, &cl, ci, cw, 0); \
818 intpol_met_time_2d(met0, met0->plcl, met1, met1->plcl, time, lon, lat, &plcl, ci, cw, 0); \
819 intpol_met_time_2d(met0, met0->plfc, met1, met1->plfc, time, lon, lat, &plfc, ci, cw, 0); \
820 intpol_met_time_2d(met0, met0->pel, met1, met1->pel, time, lon, lat, &pel, ci, cw, 0); \
821 intpol_met_time_2d(met0, met0->cape, met1, met1->cape, time, lon, lat, &cape, ci, cw, 0); \
822 intpol_met_time_2d(met0, met0->cin, met1, met1->cin, time, lon, lat, &cin, ci, cw, 0); \
823 intpol_met_time_2d(met0, met0->o3c, met1, met1->o3c, time, lon, lat, &o3c, ci, cw, 0); \
840#define LAPSE(p1, t1, p2, t2) \
841 (1e3 * G0 / RA * ((t2) - (t1)) / ((t2) + (t1)) \
842 * ((p2) + (p1)) / ((p2) - (p1)))
859#define LIN(x0, y0, x1, y1, x) \
860 ((y0)+((y1)-(y0))/((x1)-(x0))*((x)-(x0)))
902 "# $1 = time [s]\n" \
903 "# $2 = altitude [km]\n" \
904 "# $3 = longitude [deg]\n" \
905 "# $4 = latitude [deg]\n" \
906 "# $5 = pressure [hPa]\n" \
907 "# $6 = temperature [K]\n" \
908 "# $7 = zonal wind [m/s]\n" \
909 "# $8 = meridional wind [m/s]\n" \
910 "# $9 = vertical velocity [hPa/s]\n" \
911 "# $10 = H2O volume mixing ratio [ppv]\n"); \
913 "# $11 = O3 volume mixing ratio [ppv]\n" \
914 "# $12 = geopotential height [km]\n" \
915 "# $13 = potential vorticity [PVU]\n" \
916 "# $14 = surface pressure [hPa]\n" \
917 "# $15 = surface temperature [K]\n" \
918 "# $16 = surface geopotential height [km]\n" \
919 "# $17 = surface zonal wind [m/s]\n" \
920 "# $18 = surface meridional wind [m/s]\n" \
921 "# $19 = eastward turbulent surface stress [N/m^2]\n" \
922 "# $20 = northward turbulent surface stress [N/m^2]\n"); \
924 "# $21 = surface sensible heat flux [W/m^2]\n" \
925 "# $22 = land-sea mask [1]\n" \
926 "# $23 = sea surface temperature [K]\n" \
927 "# $24 = tropopause pressure [hPa]\n" \
928 "# $25 = tropopause geopotential height [km]\n" \
929 "# $26 = tropopause temperature [K]\n" \
930 "# $27 = tropopause water vapor [ppv]\n" \
931 "# $28 = cloud liquid water content [kg/kg]\n" \
932 "# $29 = cloud rain water content [kg/kg]\n" \
933 "# $30 = cloud ice water content [kg/kg]\n"); \
935 "# $31 = cloud snow water content [kg/kg]\n" \
936 "# $32 = cloud cover [1]\n" \
937 "# $33 = total column cloud water [kg/m^2]\n" \
938 "# $34 = cloud top pressure [hPa]\n" \
939 "# $35 = cloud bottom pressure [hPa]\n" \
940 "# $36 = pressure at lifted condensation level (LCL) [hPa]\n" \
941 "# $37 = pressure at level of free convection (LFC) [hPa]\n" \
942 "# $38 = pressure at equilibrium level (EL) [hPa]\n" \
943 "# $39 = convective available potential energy (CAPE) [J/kg]\n" \
944 "# $40 = convective inhibition (CIN) [J/kg]\n"); \
946 "# $41 = relative humidity over water [%%]\n" \
947 "# $42 = relative humidity over ice [%%]\n" \
948 "# $43 = dew point temperature [K]\n" \
949 "# $44 = frost point temperature [K]\n" \
950 "# $45 = NAT temperature [K]\n" \
951 "# $46 = HNO3 volume mixing ratio [ppv]\n" \
952 "# $47 = OH volume mixing ratio [ppv]\n" \
953 "# $48 = H2O2 volume mixing ratio [ppv]\n" \
954 "# $49 = HO2 volume mixing ratio [ppv]\n" \
955 "# $50 = O(1D) volume mixing ratio [ppv]\n"); \
957 "# $51 = boundary layer pressure [hPa]\n" \
958 "# $52 = total column ozone [DU]\n" \
959 "# $53 = number of data points\n" \
960 "# $54 = number of tropopause data points\n" \
961 "# $55 = number of CAPE data points\n");
1002#define MOLEC_DENS(p,t) \
1003 (AVO * 1e-6 * ((p) * 100) / (RI * (t)))
1017 int nc_result=(cmd); \
1018 if(nc_result!=NC_NOERR) \
1019 ERRMSG("%s", nc_strerror(nc_result)); \
1045#define NC_DEF_VAR(varname, type, ndims, dims, long_name, units, level, quant) { \
1046 NC(nc_def_var(ncid, varname, type, ndims, dims, &varid)); \
1047 NC(nc_put_att_text(ncid, varid, "long_name", strnlen(long_name, LEN), long_name)); \
1048 NC(nc_put_att_text(ncid, varid, "units", strnlen(units, LEN), units)); \
1050 NC(nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid, NC_QUANTIZE_GRANULARBR, quant)); \
1051 if((level) != 0) { \
1052 NC(nc_def_var_deflate(ncid, varid, 1, 1, level)); \
1075#define NC_GET_DOUBLE(varname, ptr, force) { \
1077 NC(nc_inq_varid(ncid, varname, &varid)); \
1078 NC(nc_get_var_double(ncid, varid, ptr)); \
1080 if(nc_inq_varid(ncid, varname, &varid) == NC_NOERR) { \
1081 NC(nc_get_var_double(ncid, varid, ptr)); \
1083 WARN("netCDF variable %s is missing!", varname); \
1103#define NC_INQ_DIM(dimname, ptr, min, max) { \
1104 int dimid; size_t naux; \
1105 NC(nc_inq_dimid(ncid, dimname, &dimid)); \
1106 NC(nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimid, &naux)); \
1108 if ((*ptr) < (min) || (*ptr) > (max)) \
1109 ERRMSG("Dimension %s is out of range!", dimname); \
1126#define NC_PUT_DOUBLE(varname, ptr, hyperslab) { \
1127 NC(nc_inq_varid(ncid, varname, &varid)); \
1129 NC(nc_put_vara_double(ncid, varid, start, count, ptr)); \
1131 NC(nc_put_var_double(ncid, varid, ptr)); \
1150#define NC_PUT_FLOAT(varname, ptr, hyperslab) { \
1151 NC(nc_inq_varid(ncid, varname, &varid)); \
1153 NC(nc_put_vara_float(ncid, varid, start, count, ptr)); \
1155 NC(nc_put_var_float(ncid, varid, ptr)); \
1173#define NC_PUT_INT(varname, ptr, hyperslab) { \
1174 NC(nc_inq_varid(ncid, varname, &varid)); \
1176 NC(nc_put_vara_int(ncid, varid, start, count, ptr)); \
1178 NC(nc_put_var_int(ncid, varid, ptr)); \
1195#define NC_PUT_ATT(varname, attname, text) { \
1196 NC(nc_inq_varid(ncid, varname, &varid)); \
1197 NC(nc_put_att_text(ncid, varid, attname, strnlen(text, LEN), text)); \
1212#define NC_PUT_ATT_GLOBAL(attname, text) \
1213 NC(nc_put_att_text(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, attname, strnlen(text, LEN), text));
1232#define NN(x0, y0, x1, y1, x) \
1233 (fabs((x) - (x0)) <= fabs((x) - (x1)) ? (y0) : (y1))
1266#define PARTICLE_LOOP(ip0, ip1, check_dt, ...) \
1267 const int ip0_const = ip0; \
1268 const int ip1_const = ip1; \
1269 _Pragma(__VA_ARGS__) \
1270 _Pragma("acc parallel loop independent gang vector") \
1271 for (int ip = ip0_const; ip < ip1_const; ip++) \
1272 if (!check_dt || cache->dt[ip] != 0)
1274#define PARTICLE_LOOP(ip0, ip1, check_dt, ...) \
1275 const int ip0_const = ip0; \
1276 const int ip1_const = ip1; \
1277 _Pragma("omp parallel for default(shared)") \
1278 for (int ip = ip0_const; ip < ip1_const; ip++) \
1279 if (!check_dt || cache->dt[ip] != 0)
1305 (P0 * exp(-(z) / H0))
1329 (6.112 * exp(17.62 * ((t) - T0) / (243.12 + (t) - T0)))
1353 (6.112 * exp(22.46 * ((t) - T0) / (272.62 + (t) - T0)))
1380 ((p) * MAX((h2o), 0.1e-6) / (1. + (1. - EPS) * MAX((h2o), 0.1e-6)))
1396#define RAD2DEG(rad) \
1397 ((rad) * (180.0 / M_PI))
1426#define RH(p, t, h2o) \
1427 (PW(p, h2o) / PSAT(t) * 100.)
1456#define RHICE(p, t, h2o) \
1457 (PW(p, h2o) / PSICE(t) * 100.)
1482 (100. * (p) / (RA * (t)))
1500#define SET_ATM(qnt, val) \
1501 if (ctl->qnt >= 0) \
1502 atm->q[ctl->qnt][ip] = val;
1523#define SET_QNT(qnt, name, longname, unit) \
1524 if (strcasecmp(ctl->qnt_name[iq], name) == 0) { \
1526 sprintf(ctl->qnt_longname[iq], longname); \
1527 sprintf(ctl->qnt_unit[iq], unit); \
1545 (EPS * MAX((h2o), 0.1e-6))
1571#define SWAP(x, y, type) \
1572 do {type tmp = x; x = y; y = tmp;} while(0);
1595#define TDEW(p, h2o) \
1596 (T0 + 243.12 * log(PW((p), (h2o)) / 6.112) \
1597 / (17.62 - log(PW((p), (h2o)) / 6.112)))
1620#define TICE(p, h2o) \
1621 (T0 + 272.62 * log(PW((p), (h2o)) / 6.112) \
1622 / (22.46 - log(PW((p), (h2o)) / 6.112)))
1644#define THETA(p, t) \
1645 ((t) * pow(1000. / (p), 0.286))
1673#define THETAVIRT(p, t, h2o) \
1674 (TVIRT(THETA((p), (t)), MAX((h2o), 0.1e-6)))
1694#define TOK(line, tok, format, var) { \
1695 if(((tok)=strtok((line), " \t"))) { \
1696 if(sscanf(tok, format, &(var))!=1) continue; \
1697 } else ERRMSG("Error while reading!"); \
1719#define TVIRT(t, h2o) \
1720 ((t) * (1. + (1. - EPS) * MAX((h2o), 0.1e-6)))
1742 (H0 * log(P0 / (p)))
1772#define ZDIFF(lnp0, t0, h2o0, lnp1, t1, h2o1) \
1773 (RI / MA / G0 * 0.5 * (TVIRT((t0), (h2o0)) + TVIRT((t1), (h2o1))) \
1774 * ((lnp0) - (lnp1)))
1791#define ZETA(ps, p, t) \
1792 (((p) / (ps) <= 0.3 ? 1. : \
1793 sin(M_PI / 2. * (1. - (p) / (ps)) / (1. - 0.3))) \
1834#define LOG(level, ...) { \
1837 if(level <= LOGLEV) { \
1838 printf(__VA_ARGS__); \
1871#define WARN(...) { \
1872 printf("\nWarning (%s, %s, l%d): ", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__); \
1873 LOG(0, __VA_ARGS__); \
1904#define ERRMSG(...) { \
1905 printf("\nError (%s, %s, l%d): ", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__); \
1906 LOG(0, __VA_ARGS__); \
1907 exit(EXIT_FAILURE); \
1939#define PRINT(format, var) \
1940 printf("Print (%s, %s, l%d): %s= "format"\n", \
1941 __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, #var, var);
1963#define PRINT_TIMERS \
1964 timer("END", "END", 1);
1984#define SELECT_TIMER(id, group, color) { \
1986 NVTX_PUSH(id, color); \
1987 timer(id, group, 0); \
2003#define START_TIMERS \
2018#define STOP_TIMERS \
2026#include "nvToolsExt.h"
2029#define NVTX_CPU 0xFFADD8E6
2032#define NVTX_GPU 0xFF00008B
2035#define NVTX_H2D 0xFFFFFF00
2038#define NVTX_D2H 0xFFFF8800
2041#define NVTX_READ 0xFFFFCCCB
2044#define NVTX_WRITE 0xFF8B0000
2047#define NVTX_RECV 0xFFCCFFCB
2050#define NVTX_SEND 0xFF008B00
2081#define NVTX_PUSH(range_title, range_color) { \
2082 nvtxEventAttributes_t eventAttrib = {0}; \
2083 eventAttrib.version = NVTX_VERSION; \
2084 eventAttrib.size = NVTX_EVENT_ATTRIB_STRUCT_SIZE; \
2085 eventAttrib.messageType = NVTX_MESSAGE_TYPE_ASCII; \
2086 eventAttrib.colorType = NVTX_COLOR_ARGB; \
2087 eventAttrib.color = range_color; \
2088 eventAttrib.message.ascii = range_title; \
2089 nvtxRangePushEx(&eventAttrib); \
2110#define NVTX_PUSH(range_title, range_color) {}
2143 double *__restrict__ c,
2145 int *__restrict__ index);
2773 char clim_ccl4_timeseries[
2776 char clim_ccl3f_timeseries[
2779 char clim_ccl2f2_timeseries[
2782 char clim_n2o_timeseries[
2785 char clim_sf6_timeseries[
2872 double wet_depo_pre[2];
2887 double wet_depo_ic_h[2];
2890 double wet_depo_bc_h[2];
3326 double tropo_time[12];
3329 double tropo_lat[73];
3332 double tropo[12][73];
3541#pragma acc routine (clim_oh)
3542#pragma acc routine (clim_photo)
3543#pragma acc routine (clim_tropo)
3544#pragma acc routine (clim_ts)
3545#pragma acc routine (clim_zm)
3546#pragma acc routine (intpol_check_lon_lat)
3547#pragma acc routine (intpol_met_4d_coord)
3548#pragma acc routine (intpol_met_space_3d)
3549#pragma acc routine (intpol_met_space_3d_ml)
3550#pragma acc routine (intpol_met_space_2d)
3551#pragma acc routine (intpol_met_time_3d)
3552#pragma acc routine (intpol_met_time_3d_ml)
3553#pragma acc routine (intpol_met_time_2d)
3554#pragma acc routine (kernel_weight)
3555#pragma acc routine (lapse_rate)
3556#pragma acc routine (locate_irr)
3557#pragma acc routine (locate_irr_float)
3558#pragma acc routine (locate_reg)
3559#pragma acc routine (locate_vert)
3560#pragma acc routine (nat_temperature)
3561#pragma acc routine (pbl_weight)
3562#pragma acc routine (sedi)
3563#pragma acc routine (stddev)
3564#pragma acc routine (sza_calc)
3565#pragma acc routine (tropo_weight)
3845 const char *varname,
3850 const int decompress,
3886 const char *varname,
3890 const int decompress,
3932 const char *varname,
3937 const int precision,
3938 const double tolerance,
3939 const int decompress,
3978 const char *varname,
3981 const int decompress,
4130 const char *metbase,
4131 const double dt_met,
4199 const int met_tropo,
4288 float height0[
4289 float array0[
4291 float height1[
4292 float array1[
4294 const double height,
4410 float array[
4453 float array0[
4455 float array1[
4490 float array0[
4493 float array1[
4536 float array0[
4538 float array1[
4586 float array0[
4588 float array1[
4589 const double lons[
4590 const double lats[
4663 const double kz[
4664 const double kw[
4843 float profiles[
4845 const int lon_ap_ind,
4846 const int lat_ap_ind,
4847 const double alt_ap,
5972 const char *filename,
6041 const char *filename,
6075 const char *filename,
6138 const char *filename,
6179 const char *filename,
6217 const char *dirname,
6391 const char *filename,
6426 const char *filename,
6455 const char *filename,
6489 const char *filename,
6522 const char *filename,
6543 const char *varname,
6571 const char *filename,
6601 const char *filename,
6602 const char *varname,
6633 const char *filename,
6670 const char *filename,
6703 const char *varname);
6747 const char *varname,
6748 const float bound_min,
6749 const float bound_max);
6923 const char *filename,
6995 const char *varname);
7054 const char *filename,
7090 const char *varname,
7091 const char *varname2,
7092 const char *varname3,
7093 const char *varname4,
7094 const char *varname5,
7095 const char *varname6,
7134 const char *varname,
7135 const char *varname2,
7136 const char *varname3,
7137 const char *varname4,
7458 const char *filename,
7495 const char *filename,
7530 const char *filename,
7572 const char *filename,
7575 const char *varname,
7577 const char *defvalue,
7731 const double remain,
7793 const char *filename,
7841 const char *filename,
7870 const char *filename,
7898 const char *filename,
7927 const char *dirname,
7956 const char *filename,
7989 const char *filename,
8022 const char *filename,
8066 const char *filename,
8119 const char *filename,
8124 const double *vmr_impl,
8176 const char *filename,
8181 const double *vmr_impl,
8220 const char *filename,
8255 const char *varname);
8299 const char *varname,
8300 const int precision,
8301 const double tolerance);
8331 const char *filename,
8361 const char *varname,
8393 const char *varname,
8429 const char *filename,
8468 const char *filename,
8502 const char *filename,
8536 const char *filename,
void read_met_geopot(const ctl_t *ctl, met_t *met)
Calculates geopotential heights from meteorological data.
#define LEN
Maximum length of ASCII data lines.
void mptrac_write_atm(const char *filename, const ctl_t *ctl, const atm_t *atm, const double t)
Writes air parcel data to a file in various formats.
void day2doy(const int year, const int mon, const int day, int *doy)
Get day of year from date.
void read_met_extrapolate(met_t *met)
Extrapolates meteorological data.
void read_met_levels(const int ncid, const ctl_t *ctl, met_t *met)
Reads meteorological variables at different vertical levels from a NetCDF file.
int read_met_nc(const char *filename, const ctl_t *ctl, const clim_t *clim, met_t *met)
Reads meteorological data from a NetCDF file and processes it.
void write_atm_clams_traj(const char *dirname, const ctl_t *ctl, const atm_t *atm, const double t)
Writes CLaMS trajectory data to a NetCDF file.
void write_met_nc_2d(const int ncid, const char *varname, met_t *met, float var[EX][EY], const float scl)
Writes a 2D meteorological variable to a NetCDF file.
void mptrac_alloc(ctl_t **ctl, cache_t **cache, clim_t **clim, met_t **met0, met_t **met1, atm_t **atm)
Allocates and initializes memory resources for MPTRAC.
void read_met_sample(const ctl_t *ctl, met_t *met)
Downsamples meteorological data based on specified parameters.
void write_met_bin_3d(FILE *out, const ctl_t *ctl, met_t *met, float var[EX][EY][EP], const char *varname, const int precision, const double tolerance)
Writes a 3-dimensional meteorological variable to a binary file.
void read_obs(const char *filename, const ctl_t *ctl, double *rt, double *rz, double *rlon, double *rlat, double *robs, int *nobs)
Reads observation data from a file and stores it in arrays.
void module_advect(const ctl_t *ctl, const cache_t *cache, met_t *met0, met_t *met1, atm_t *atm)
Advances particle positions using different advection schemes.
void module_timesteps(const ctl_t *ctl, cache_t *cache, met_t *met0, atm_t *atm, const double t)
Calculate time steps for air parcels based on specified conditions.
int mptrac_read_met(const char *filename, const ctl_t *ctl, const clim_t *clim, met_t *met)
Reads meteorological data from a file, supporting multiple formats and MPI broadcasting.
void module_meteo(const ctl_t *ctl, const cache_t *cache, const clim_t *clim, met_t *met0, met_t *met1, atm_t *atm)
Update atmospheric properties using meteorological data.
void read_clim_photo(const char *filename, clim_photo_t *photo)
Reads photolysis rates from a NetCDF file and populates the given photolysis structure.
void read_met_cloud(met_t *met)
Calculates cloud-related variables for each grid point.
void module_decay(const ctl_t *ctl, const cache_t *cache, const clim_t *clim, atm_t *atm)
Simulate exponential decay processes for atmospheric particles.
double sedi(const double p, const double T, const double rp, const double rhop)
Calculates the sedimentation velocity of a particle in air.
void intpol_met_space_2d(const met_t *met, float array[EX][EY], const double lon, const double lat, double *var, int *ci, double *cw, const int init)
Interpolates meteorological variables in 2D space.
void intpol_met_space_3d_ml(const met_t *met, float zs[EX][EY][EP], float vals[EX][EY][EP], const double z, const double lon, const double lat, double *val)
Interpolates meteorological data in 3D space.
int read_atm_nc(const char *filename, const ctl_t *ctl, atm_t *atm)
Reads air parcel data from a generic netCDF file and populates the given atmospheric structure.
void read_met_pbl(const ctl_t *ctl, met_t *met)
Computes the planetary boundary layer (PBL) pressure based on meteorological data.
void read_met_detrend(const ctl_t *ctl, met_t *met)
Detrends meteorological data.
int read_met_nc_2d(const int ncid, const char *varname, const char *varname2, const char *varname3, const char *varname4, const char *varname5, const char *varname6, const ctl_t *ctl, const met_t *met, float dest[EX][EY], const float scl, const int init)
Reads a 2-dimensional meteorological variable from a NetCDF file.
void read_met_tropo(const ctl_t *ctl, const clim_t *clim, met_t *met)
Calculates the tropopause and related meteorological variables based on various methods and stores th...
void read_obs_asc(const char *filename, double *rt, double *rz, double *rlon, double *rlat, double *robs, int *nobs)
Reads observation data from an ASCII file.
void module_chem_init(const ctl_t *ctl, const cache_t *cache, const clim_t *clim, met_t *met0, met_t *met1, atm_t *atm)
Initializes the chemistry modules by setting atmospheric composition.
int locate_reg(const double *xx, const int n, const double x)
Locate the index of the interval containing a given value in a regular grid.
void get_tropo(const int met_tropo, ctl_t *ctl, clim_t *clim, met_t *met, const double *lons, const int nx, const double *lats, const int ny, double *pt, double *zt, double *tt, double *qt, double *o3t, double *ps, double *zs)
Calculate tropopause data.
void locate_vert(float profiles[EX][EY][EP], const int np, const int lon_ap_ind, const int lat_ap_ind, const double alt_ap, int *ind)
Locate the four vertical indizes of a box for a given height value.
void mptrac_get_met(ctl_t *ctl, clim_t *clim, const double t, met_t **met0, met_t **met1)
Retrieves meteorological data for the specified time.
void read_met_monotonize(const ctl_t *ctl, met_t *met)
Makes zeta and pressure profiles monotone.
int read_clim_ts(const char *filename, clim_ts_t *ts)
Reads a climatological time series from a file and populates the given time series structure.
void read_met_periodic(met_t *met)
Applies periodic boundary conditions to meteorological data along longitudinal axis.
void module_timesteps_init(ctl_t *ctl, const atm_t *atm)
Initialize start time and time interval for time-stepping.
void write_ens(const char *filename, const ctl_t *ctl, const atm_t *atm, const double t)
Writes ensemble data to a file.
void compress_cms(const ctl_t *ctl, const char *varname, float *array, const size_t nx, const size_t ny, const size_t np, const int decompress, FILE *inout)
Compresses or decompresses a 3D array of floats using a custom multiscale compression algorithm.
void module_mixing(const ctl_t *ctl, const clim_t *clim, atm_t *atm, const double t)
Update atmospheric properties through interparcel mixing.
void compress_zfp(const char *varname, float *array, const int nx, const int ny, const int nz, const int precision, const double tolerance, const int decompress, FILE *inout)
Compresses or decompresses a 3D array of floats using the ZFP library.
double clim_zm(const clim_zm_t *zm, const double t, const double lat, const double p)
Interpolates monthly mean zonal mean climatological variables.
#define EY
Maximum number of latitudes for meteo data.
void read_clim_photo_help(const int ncid, const char *varname, const clim_photo_t *photo, double var[CP][CSZA][CO3])
Reads a 3D climatological photochemistry variable from a NetCDF file.
void read_met_ml2pl(const ctl_t *ctl, const met_t *met, float var[EX][EY][EP], const char *varname)
Interpolates meteorological data to specified pressure levels.
double clim_tropo(const clim_t *clim, const double t, const double lat)
Calculates the tropopause pressure based on climatological data.
void read_obs_nc(const char *filename, double *rt, double *rz, double *rlon, double *rlat, double *robs, int *nobs)
Reads observation data from a NetCDF file.
void read_met_grid(const char *filename, const int ncid, const ctl_t *ctl, met_t *met)
Reads meteorological grid information from a NetCDF file.
void read_met_bin_2d(FILE *in, const met_t *met, float var[EX][EY], const char *varname)
Reads a 2-dimensional meteorological variable from a binary file and stores it in the provided array.
int locate_irr(const double *xx, const int n, const double x)
Locate the index of the interval containing a given value in a sorted array.
void module_isosurf_init(const ctl_t *ctl, cache_t *cache, met_t *met0, met_t *met1, atm_t *atm)
Initialize the isosurface module based on atmospheric data.
void level_definitions(ctl_t *ctl)
Defines pressure levels for meteorological data.
void write_grid_asc(const char *filename, const ctl_t *ctl, const double *cd, double *mean[NQ], double *sigma[NQ], const double *vmr_impl, const double t, const double *z, const double *lon, const double *lat, const double *area, const double dz, const int *np)
Writes grid data to an ASCII file.
void mptrac_update_device(const ctl_t *ctl, const cache_t *cache, const clim_t *clim, met_t **met0, met_t **met1, const atm_t *atm)
Updates device memory for specified data structures.
void time2jsec(const int year, const int mon, const int day, const int hour, const int min, const int sec, const double remain, double *jsec)
Converts time components to seconds since January 1, 2000, 12:00:00 UTC.
void mptrac_init(ctl_t *ctl, cache_t *cache, clim_t *clim, atm_t *atm, const int ntask)
Initializes the MPTRAC model and its associated components.
void intpol_met_time_3d(const met_t *met0, float array0[EX][EY][EP], const met_t *met1, float array1[EX][EY][EP], const double ts, const double p, const double lon, const double lat, double *var, int *ci, double *cw, const int init)
Interpolates meteorological data in 3D space and time.
void fft_help(double *fcReal, double *fcImag, const int n)
Computes the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of a complex sequence.
void module_wet_depo(const ctl_t *ctl, const cache_t *cache, met_t *met0, met_t *met1, atm_t *atm)
Perform wet deposition calculations for air parcels.
void compress_pck(const char *varname, float *array, const size_t nxy, const size_t nz, const int decompress, FILE *inout)
Compresses or decompresses a 3D array of floats.
double nat_temperature(const double p, const double h2o, const double hno3)
Calculates the nitric acid trihydrate (NAT) temperature.
void spline(const double *x, const double *y, const int n, const double *x2, double *y2, const int n2, const int method)
Performs spline interpolation or linear interpolation.
#define CP
Maximum number of pressure levels for climatological data.
#define NQ
Maximum number of quantities per data point.
double clim_photo(const double rate[CP][CSZA][CO3], const clim_photo_t *photo, const double p, const double sza, const double o3c)
Calculates the photolysis rate for a given set of atmospheric conditions.
void read_clim_zm(const char *filename, const char *varname, clim_zm_t *zm)
Reads zonally averaged climatological data from a netCDF file and populates the given structure.
#define EX
Maximum number of longitudes for meteo data.
void module_sedi(const ctl_t *ctl, const cache_t *cache, met_t *met0, met_t *met1, atm_t *atm)
Simulate sedimentation of particles in the atmosphere.
void timer(const char *name, const char *group, const int output)
Measures and reports elapsed time for named and grouped timers.
void write_atm_asc(const char *filename, const ctl_t *ctl, const atm_t *atm, const double t)
Writes air parcel data to an ASCII file or gnuplot.
void intpol_met_space_3d(const met_t *met, float array[EX][EY][EP], const double p, const double lon, const double lat, double *var, int *ci, double *cw, const int init)
Interpolates meteorological variables in 3D space.
void read_met_surface(const int ncid, const ctl_t *ctl, met_t *met)
Reads surface meteorological data from a netCDF file and stores it in the meteorological data structu...
void intpol_met_time_3d_ml(const met_t *met0, float zs0[EX][EY][EP], float array0[EX][EY][EP], const met_t *met1, float zs1[EX][EY][EP], float array1[EX][EY][EP], const double ts, const double p, const double lon, const double lat, double *var)
Interpolates meteorological data in both space and time.
void module_convection(const ctl_t *ctl, cache_t *cache, met_t *met0, met_t *met1, atm_t *atm)
Performs convective mixing of atmospheric particles.
void read_kernel(const char *filename, double kz[EP], double kw[EP], int *nk)
Reads kernel function data from a file and populates the provided arrays.
void module_bound_cond(const ctl_t *ctl, const cache_t *cache, const clim_t *clim, met_t *met0, met_t *met1, atm_t *atm)
Apply boundary conditions to particles based on meteorological and climatological data.
double scan_ctl(const char *filename, int argc, char *argv[], const char *varname, const int arridx, const char *defvalue, char *value)
Scans a control file or command-line arguments for a specified variable.
#define CT
Maximum number of time steps for climatological data.
void module_advect_init(const ctl_t *ctl, const cache_t *cache, met_t *met0, met_t *met1, atm_t *atm)
Initializes the advection module by setting up pressure fields.
void module_sort_help(double *a, const int *p, const int np)
Reorder an array based on a given permutation.
float stddev(const float *data, const int n)
Calculates the standard deviation of a set of data.
void intpol_tropo_3d(const double time0, float array0[EX][EY], const double time1, float array1[EX][EY], const double lons[EX], const double lats[EY], const int nlon, const int nlat, const double time, const double lon, const double lat, const int method, double *var, double *sigma)
Interpolates tropopause data in 3D (latitude, longitude, and time).
int read_met_nc_3d(const int ncid, const char *varname, const char *varname2, const char *varname3, const char *varname4, const ctl_t *ctl, const met_t *met, float dest[EX][EY][EP], const float scl)
Reads a 3-dimensional meteorological variable from a NetCDF file.
void read_met_bin_3d(FILE *in, const ctl_t *ctl, const met_t *met, float var[EX][EY][EP], const char *varname, const float bound_min, const float bound_max)
Reads 3D meteorological data from a binary file, potentially using different compression methods.
int locate_irr_float(const float *xx, const int n, const double x, const int ig)
Locate the index of the interval containing a given value in an irregularly spaced array.
double time_from_filename(const char *filename, const int offset)
Extracts and converts a timestamp from a filename to Julian seconds.
void write_prof(const char *filename, const ctl_t *ctl, met_t *met0, met_t *met1, const atm_t *atm, const double t)
Writes profile data to a specified file.
void mptrac_read_clim(const ctl_t *ctl, clim_t *clim)
Reads various climatological data and populates the given climatology structure.
void module_chem_grid(const ctl_t *ctl, met_t *met0, met_t *met1, atm_t *atm, const double t)
Calculate grid data for chemistry modules.
double tropo_weight(const clim_t *clim, const atm_t *atm, const int ip)
Computes a weighting factor based on tropopause pressure.
void write_met_nc(const char *filename, const ctl_t *ctl, met_t *met)
Writes meteorological data to a NetCDF file.
void module_rng_init(const int ntask)
Initialize random number generators for parallel tasks.
int mptrac_read_atm(const char *filename, const ctl_t *ctl, atm_t *atm)
Reads air parcel data from a specified file into the given atmospheric structure.
void intpol_met_4d_coord(const met_t *met0, float height0[EX][EY][EP], float array0[EX][EY][EP], const met_t *met1, float height1[EX][EY][EP], float array1[EX][EY][EP], const double ts, const double height, const double lon, const double lat, double *var, int *ci, double *cw, const int init)
Interpolates meteorological variables to a given position and time.
void mptrac_update_host(const ctl_t *ctl, const cache_t *cache, const clim_t *clim, met_t **met0, met_t **met1, const atm_t *atm)
Updates host memory for specified data structures.
void mptrac_write_output(const char *dirname, const ctl_t *ctl, met_t *met0, met_t *met1, atm_t *atm, const double t)
Writes various types of output data to files in a specified directory.
double clim_oh(const ctl_t *ctl, const clim_t *clim, const double t, const double lon, const double lat, const double p)
Calculates the hydroxyl radical (OH) concentration from climatology data, with an optional diurnal co...
#define CTS
Maximum number of data points of climatological time series.
void read_met_ozone(met_t *met)
Calculates the total column ozone from meteorological ozone data.
void broadcast_large_data(void *data, size_t N)
Broadcasts large data across all processes in an MPI communicator.
void mptrac_free(ctl_t *ctl, cache_t *cache, clim_t *clim, met_t *met0, met_t *met1, atm_t *atm)
Frees memory resources allocated for MPTRAC.
void clim_tropo_init(clim_t *clim)
Initializes the tropopause data in the climatology structure.
void module_rng(const ctl_t *ctl, double *rs, const size_t n, const int method)
Generate random numbers using various methods and distributions.
void get_met_help(const ctl_t *ctl, const double t, const int direct, const char *metbase, const double dt_met, char *filename)
Generates a formatted filename for meteorological data files based on the input parameters.
void write_station(const char *filename, const ctl_t *ctl, atm_t *atm, const double t)
Writes station data to a specified file.
void cart2geo(const double *x, double *z, double *lon, double *lat)
Converts Cartesian coordinates to geographic coordinates.
#define NP
Maximum number of atmospheric data points.
double sza_calc(const double sec, const double lon, const double lat)
Calculates the solar zenith angle.
void module_mixing_help(const ctl_t *ctl, const clim_t *clim, atm_t *atm, const int *ixs, const int *iys, const int *izs, const int qnt_idx)
Perform interparcel mixing for a specific quantity.
void doy2day(const int year, const int doy, int *mon, int *day)
Converts a given day of the year (DOY) to a date (month and day).
void intpol_met_time_2d(const met_t *met0, float array0[EX][EY], const met_t *met1, float array1[EX][EY], const double ts, const double lon, const double lat, double *var, int *ci, double *cw, const int init)
Interpolates meteorological data in 2D space and time.
void module_position(const cache_t *cache, met_t *met0, met_t *met1, atm_t *atm)
Update the positions and pressure levels of atmospheric particles.
void clim_oh_diurnal_correction(const ctl_t *ctl, clim_t *clim)
Applies a diurnal correction to the hydroxyl radical (OH) concentration in climatology data.
void write_met_bin_2d(FILE *out, met_t *met, float var[EX][EY], const char *varname)
Writes a 2-dimensional meteorological variable to a binary file.
void read_met_pv(met_t *met)
Calculates potential vorticity (PV) from meteorological data.
int read_atm_bin(const char *filename, const ctl_t *ctl, atm_t *atm)
Reads air parcel data from a binary file and populates the given atmospheric structure.
void get_met_replace(char *orig, char *search, char *repl)
Replaces occurrences of a substring in a string with another substring.
#define CY
Maximum number of latitudes for climatological data.
void module_diff_meso(const ctl_t *ctl, cache_t *cache, met_t *met0, met_t *met1, atm_t *atm)
Simulate mesoscale diffusion for atmospheric particles.
void module_sort(const ctl_t *ctl, met_t *met0, atm_t *atm)
Sort particles according to box index.
double clim_ts(const clim_ts_t *ts, const double t)
Interpolates a time series of climatological variables.
void thrustSortWrapper(double *__restrict__ c, int n, int *__restrict__ index)
Wrapper to Thrust sorting function.
void jsec2time(const double jsec, int *year, int *mon, int *day, int *hour, int *min, int *sec, double *remain)
Converts Julian seconds to calendar date and time components.
int read_met_bin(const char *filename, const ctl_t *ctl, met_t *met)
Reads meteorological data from a binary file.
void mptrac_run_timestep(ctl_t *ctl, cache_t *cache, clim_t *clim, met_t **met0, met_t **met1, atm_t *atm, double t)
Executes a single timestep of the MPTRAC model simulation.
void write_atm_clams(const char *filename, const ctl_t *ctl, const atm_t *atm)
Writes air parcel data to a NetCDF file in the CLaMS format.
void module_diff_turb(const ctl_t *ctl, cache_t *cache, const clim_t *clim, met_t *met0, met_t *met1, atm_t *atm)
Applies turbulent diffusion processes to atmospheric particles.
int read_atm_clams(const char *filename, const ctl_t *ctl, atm_t *atm)
Reads atmospheric data from a CLAMS NetCDF file.
void write_vtk(const char *filename, const ctl_t *ctl, const atm_t *atm, const double t)
Writes VTK (Visualization Toolkit) data to a specified file.
#define EP
Maximum number of pressure levels for meteo data.
void module_tracer_chem(const ctl_t *ctl, const cache_t *cache, const clim_t *clim, met_t *met0, met_t *met1, atm_t *atm)
Simulate chemical reactions involving long-lived atmospheric tracers.
void mptrac_read_ctl(const char *filename, int argc, char *argv[], ctl_t *ctl)
Reads control parameters from a configuration file and populates the given structure.
void read_met_polar_winds(met_t *met)
Applies a fix for polar winds in meteorological data.
void module_h2o2_chem(const ctl_t *ctl, const cache_t *cache, const clim_t *clim, met_t *met0, met_t *met1, atm_t *atm)
Perform chemical reactions involving H2O2 within cloud particles.
void compress_zstd(const char *varname, float *array, const size_t n, const int decompress, FILE *inout)
Compresses or decompresses an array of floats using the Zstandard (ZSTD) library.
void write_grid_nc(const char *filename, const ctl_t *ctl, const double *cd, double *mean[NQ], double *sigma[NQ], const double *vmr_impl, const double t, const double *z, const double *lon, const double *lat, const double *area, const double dz, const int *np)
Writes grid data to a NetCDF file.
double pbl_weight(const ctl_t *ctl, const atm_t *atm, const int ip, const double pbl, const double ps)
Computes a weighting factor based on planetary boundary layer pressure.
void module_diff_pbl(const ctl_t *ctl, cache_t *cache, met_t *met0, met_t *met1, atm_t *atm)
Computes particle diffusion within the planetary boundary layer (PBL).
void write_met_nc_3d(const int ncid, const char *varname, met_t *met, float var[EX][EY][EP], const float scl)
Writes a 3D meteorological variable to a NetCDF file.
void module_isosurf(const ctl_t *ctl, const cache_t *cache, met_t *met0, met_t *met1, atm_t *atm)
Apply the isosurface module to adjust atmospheric properties.
void module_kpp_chem(ctl_t *ctl, cache_t *cache, clim_t *clim, met_t *met0, met_t *met1, atm_t *atm)
KPP chemistry module.
#define CO3
Maximum number of total column ozone data for climatological data.
void module_oh_chem(const ctl_t *ctl, const cache_t *cache, const clim_t *clim, met_t *met0, met_t *met1, atm_t *atm)
Perform hydroxyl chemistry calculations for atmospheric particles.
void geo2cart(const double z, const double lon, const double lat, double *x)
Converts geographic coordinates (longitude, latitude, altitude) to Cartesian coordinates.
double kernel_weight(const double kz[EP], const double kw[EP], const int nk, const double p)
Calculates the kernel weight based on altitude and given kernel data.
int read_atm_asc(const char *filename, const ctl_t *ctl, atm_t *atm)
Reads air parcel data from an ASCII file and populates the given atmospheric structure.
void intpol_check_lon_lat(const double *lons, const int nlon, const double *lats, const int nlat, const double lon, const double lat, double *lon2, double *lat2)
Adjusts longitude and latitude to ensure they fall within valid bounds.
void write_sample(const char *filename, const ctl_t *ctl, met_t *met0, met_t *met1, const atm_t *atm, const double t)
Writes sample data to a specified file.
void write_grid(const char *filename, const ctl_t *ctl, met_t *met0, met_t *met1, const atm_t *atm, const double t)
Writes grid data to a file in ASCII or netCDF format.
void module_dry_depo(const ctl_t *ctl, const cache_t *cache, met_t *met0, met_t *met1, atm_t *atm)
Simulate dry deposition of atmospheric particles.
void write_met_bin(const char *filename, const ctl_t *ctl, met_t *met)
Writes meteorological data in binary format to a specified file.
void write_atm_bin(const char *filename, const ctl_t *ctl, const atm_t *atm)
Writes air parcel data to a binary file.
void read_met_cape(const ctl_t *ctl, const clim_t *clim, met_t *met)
Calculates Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) for each grid point.
void mptrac_write_met(const char *filename, const ctl_t *ctl, met_t *met)
Writes meteorological data to a file, supporting multiple formats and compression options.
#define CSZA
Maximum number of solar zenith angles for climatological data.
double lapse_rate(const double t, const double h2o)
Calculates the moist adiabatic lapse rate in Kelvin per kilometer.
void write_csi(const char *filename, const ctl_t *ctl, const atm_t *atm, const double t)
Writes Critical Success Index (CSI) data to a file.
void write_atm_nc(const char *filename, const ctl_t *ctl, const atm_t *atm)
Writes air parcel data to a NetCDF file.
int np
Number of air parcels.
int iso_n
Isosurface balloon number of data points.
Climatological data in the form of photolysis rates.
int nsza
Number of solar zenith angles.
int np
Number of pressure levels.
int no3c
Number of total ozone columns.
clim_ts_t ccl2f2
CFC-12 time series.
clim_photo_t photo
Photolysis rates.
clim_zm_t ho2
HO2 zonal means.
clim_zm_t hno3
HNO3 zonal means.
int tropo_ntime
Number of tropopause timesteps.
clim_ts_t sf6
SF6 time series.
clim_ts_t ccl4
CFC-10 time series.
clim_ts_t ccl3f
CFC-11 time series.
clim_zm_t o1d
O(1D) zonal means.
clim_zm_t h2o2
H2O2 zonal means.
int tropo_nlat
Number of tropopause latitudes.
clim_zm_t oh
OH zonal means.
clim_ts_t n2o
N2O time series.
Climatological data in the form of time series.
int ntime
Number of timesteps.
Climatological data in the form of zonal means.
int np
Number of pressure levels.
int ntime
Number of timesteps.
int nlat
Number of latitudes.
double grid_z0
Lower altitude of gridded data [km].
int qnt_o3
Quantity array index for ozone volume mixing ratio.
double csi_lat1
Upper latitude of gridded CSI data [deg].
int qnt_Coh
Quantity array index for OH volume mixing ratio (chemistry code).
double wet_depo_ic_a
Coefficient A for wet deposition in cloud (exponential form).
int met_nc_scale
Check netCDF scaling factors (0=no, 1=yes).
int qnt_pel
Quantity array index for pressure at equilibrium level (EL).
int csi_nz
Number of altitudes of gridded CSI data.
double molmass
Molar mass [g/mol].
int qnt_p
Quantity array index for pressure.
int qnt_Cccl2f2
Quantity array index for CFC-12 volume mixing ratio (chemistry code).
int mixing_nx
Number of longitudes of mixing grid.
double chemgrid_z1
Upper altitude of chemistry grid [km].
int qnt_m
Quantity array index for mass.
int qnt_aoa
Quantity array index for age of air.
int qnt_rhop
Quantity array index for particle density.
int qnt_swc
Quantity array index for cloud snow water content.
double csi_obsmin
Minimum observation index to trigger detection.
int qnt_pcb
Quantity array index for cloud bottom pressure.
double bound_dzs
Boundary conditions surface layer depth [km].
double csi_lon1
Upper longitude of gridded CSI data [deg].
int qnt_u
Quantity array index for zonal wind.
double stat_lon
Longitude of station [deg].
double mixing_trop
Interparcel exchange parameter for mixing in the troposphere.
double sort_dt
Time step for sorting of particle data [s].
double mixing_z1
Upper altitude of mixing grid [km].
double stat_r
Search radius around station [km].
double wet_depo_bc_a
Coefficient A for wet deposition below cloud (exponential form).
int csi_ny
Number of latitudes of gridded CSI data.
int vtk_sphere
Spherical projection for VTK data (0=no, 1=yes).
double chemgrid_z0
Lower altitude of chemistry grid [km].
double met_pbl_min
Minimum depth of planetary boundary layer [km].
int qnt_iwc
Quantity array index for cloud ice water content.
double chemgrid_lat0
Lower latitude of chemistry grid [deg].
double conv_cape
CAPE threshold for convection module [J/kg].
int qnt_Co1d
Quantity array index for O(1D) volume mixing ratio (chemistry code).
double met_cms_eps_pv
cmultiscale compression epsilon for potential vorticity.
int qnt_pw
Quantity array index for partial water vapor pressure.
double grid_z1
Upper altitude of gridded data [km].
int direction
Direction flag (1=forward calculation, -1=backward calculation).
int qnt_Cccl4
Quantity array index for CFC-10 volume mixing ratio (chemistry code).
int met_dp
Stride for pressure levels.
double met_dt_out
Time step for sampling of meteo data along trajectories [s].
int qnt_h2o2
Quantity array index for H2O2 volume mixing ratio (climatology).
int qnt_vh
Quantity array index for horizontal wind.
int csi_nx
Number of longitudes of gridded CSI data.
double csi_lat0
Lower latitude of gridded CSI data [deg].
double turb_dz_trop
Vertical turbulent diffusion coefficient (troposphere) [m^2/s].
int met_pbl
Planetary boundary layer data (0=file, 1=z2p, 2=Richardson, 3=theta).
int qnt_lwc
Quantity array index for cloud liquid water content.
double turb_mesoz
Vertical scaling factor for mesoscale wind fluctuations.
int grid_nc_level
zlib compression level of netCDF grid data files (0=off).
int grid_nx
Number of longitudes of gridded data.
int atm_type
Type of atmospheric data files (0=ASCII, 1=binary, 2=netCDF, 3=CLaMS_traj, 4=CLaMS_pos).
double bound_mass
Boundary conditions mass per particle [kg].
double grid_lat0
Lower latitude of gridded data [deg].
int qnt_ts
Quantity array index for surface temperature.
int qnt_loss_rate
Quantity array index for total loss rate.
double met_cms_eps_h2o
cmultiscale compression epsilon for water vapor.
int qnt_plfc
Quantity array index for pressure at level of free convection (LCF).
double grid_lon0
Lower longitude of gridded data [deg].
int qnt_o1d
Quantity array index for O(1D) volume mixing ratio (climatology).
int met_tropo_spline
Tropopause interpolation method (0=linear, 1=spline).
int qnt_tvirt
Quantity array index for virtual temperature.
double dt_met
Time step of meteo data [s].
double chemgrid_lat1
Upper latitude of chemistry grid [deg].
int met_geopot_sy
Latitudinal smoothing of geopotential heights.
double met_cms_eps_u
cmultiscale compression epsilon for zonal wind.
double turb_dx_strat
Horizontal turbulent diffusion coefficient (stratosphere) [m^2/s].
int qnt_vmr
Quantity array index for volume mixing ratio.
int qnt_lsm
Quantity array index for land-sea mask.
int qnt_theta
Quantity array index for potential temperature.
double bound_lat1
Boundary conditions maximum longitude [deg].
double stat_t1
Stop time for station output [s].
double turb_dx_trop
Horizontal turbulent diffusion coefficient (troposphere) [m^2/s].
int grid_type
Type of grid data files (0=ASCII, 1=netCDF).
double csi_lon0
Lower longitude of gridded CSI data [deg].
int qnt_pbl
Quantity array index for boundary layer pressure.
int grid_stddev
Include standard deviations in grid output (0=no, 1=yes).
int qnt_psice
Quantity array index for saturation pressure over ice.
double chemgrid_lon0
Lower longitude of chemistry grid [deg].
int bound_pbl
Boundary conditions planetary boundary layer (0=no, 1=yes).
int qnt_mloss_wet
Quantity array index for total mass loss due to wet deposition.
int met_geopot_sx
Longitudinal smoothing of geopotential heights.
int met_sy
Smoothing for latitudes.
int qnt_ps
Quantity array index for surface pressure.
int rng_type
Random number generator (0=GSL, 1=Squares, 2=cuRAND).
int isosurf
Isosurface parameter (0=none, 1=pressure, 2=density, 3=theta, 4=balloon).
double bound_p1
Boundary conditions top pressure [hPa].
int qnt_zs
Quantity array index for surface geopotential height.
int prof_nz
Number of altitudes of gridded profile data.
double csi_dt_out
Time step for CSI output [s].
int met_cape
Convective available potential energy data (0=file, 1=calculate).
double csi_modmin
Minimum column density to trigger detection [kg/m^2].
int met_sx
Smoothing for longitudes.
double chemgrid_lon1
Upper longitude of chemistry grid [deg].
double turb_mesox
Horizontal scaling factor for mesoscale wind fluctuations.
double met_cms_eps_iwc
cmultiscale compression epsilon for cloud ice water content.
double met_cms_eps_swc
cmultiscale compression epsilon for cloud snow water content.
int met_zfp_prec
ZFP compression precision for all variables, except z and T.
double met_cms_eps_v
cmultiscale compression epsilon for meridional wind.
double prof_z0
Lower altitude of gridded profile data [km].
int qnt_w
Quantity array index for vertical velocity.
double bound_vmr
Boundary conditions volume mixing ratio [ppv].
double met_tropo_pv
Dynamical tropopause potential vorticity threshold [PVU].
int prof_nx
Number of longitudes of gridded profile data.
int qnt_stat
Quantity array index for station flag.
int met_tropo
Tropopause definition (0=none, 1=clim, 2=cold point, 3=WMO_1st, 4=WMO_2nd, 5=dynamical).
int qnt_rp
Quantity array index for particle radius.
int met_mpi_share
Use MPI to share meteo (0=no, 1=yes).
double mixing_strat
Interparcel exchange parameter for mixing in the stratosphere.
int qnt_vz
Quantity array index for vertical velocity.
int qnt_ho2
Quantity array index for HO2 volume mixing ratio (climatology).
double csi_z1
Upper altitude of gridded CSI data [km].
double stat_t0
Start time for station output [s].
double oh_chem_beta
Beta parameter for diurnal variablity of OH.
double wet_depo_so2_ph
pH value used to calculate effective Henry constant of SO2.
double mixing_z0
Lower altitude of mixing grid [km].
int qnt_mloss_decay
Quantity array index for total mass loss due to exponential decay.
int atm_type_out
Type of atmospheric data files for output (-1=same as ATM_TYPE, 0=ASCII, 1=binary,...
int met_nlev
Number of meteo data model levels.
double dt_kpp
Time step for KPP chemistry [s].
double dry_depo_dp
Dry deposition surface layer [hPa].
int qnt_shf
Quantity array index for surface sensible heat flux.
int qnt_vs
Quantity array index for surface meridional wind.
int qnt_Cco
Quantity array index for CO volume mixing ratio (chemistry code).
double vtk_dt_out
Time step for VTK data output [s].
double t_stop
Stop time of simulation [s].
double conv_dt
Time interval for convection module [s].
int qnt_hno3
Quantity array index for HNO3 volume mixing ratio (climatology).
int met_clams
Read MPTRAC or CLaMS meteo data (0=MPTRAC, 1=CLaMS).
int qnt_h2ot
Quantity array index for tropopause water vapor volume mixing ratio.
int qnt_rh
Quantity array index for relative humidity over water.
double met_cms_eps_cc
cmultiscale compression epsilon for cloud cover.
double bound_lat0
Boundary conditions minimum longitude [deg].
double met_pbl_max
Maximum depth of planetary boundary layer [km].
int met_dx
Stride for longitudes.
int mixing_ny
Number of latitudes of mixing grid.
int met_convention
Meteo data layout (0=[lev, lat, lon], 1=[lon, lat, lev]).
int qnt_zeta_d
Quantity array index for diagnosed zeta vertical coordinate.
int tracer_chem
Switch for first order tracer chemistry module (0=off, 1=on).
double dt_mod
Time step of simulation [s].
int diffusion
Diffusion scheme (0=off, 1=fixed-K, 2=PBL).
int qnt_tnat
Quantity array index for T_NAT.
int qnt_tice
Quantity array index for T_ice.
int qnt_zg
Quantity array index for geopotential height.
double vtk_offset
Vertical offset for VTK data [km].
int qnt_v
Quantity array index for meridional wind.
int qnt_mloss_dry
Quantity array index for total mass loss due to dry deposition.
double bound_vmr_trend
Boundary conditions volume mixing ratio trend [ppv/s].
int met_cache
Preload meteo data into disk cache (0=no, 1=yes).
int qnt_oh
Quantity array index for OH volume mixing ratio (climatology).
int qnt_Ch
Quantity array index for H volume mixing ratio (chemistry code).
int met_press_level_def
Use predefined pressure levels or not.
int oh_chem_reaction
Reaction type for OH chemistry (0=none, 2=bimolecular, 3=termolecular).
int qnt_h2o
Quantity array index for water vapor volume mixing ratio.
int prof_ny
Number of latitudes of gridded profile data.
int qnt_rhice
Quantity array index for relative humidity over ice.
int qnt_rho
Quantity array index for density of air.
double sample_dz
Layer depth for sample output [km].
double tdec_strat
Life time of particles in the stratosphere [s].
int obs_type
Type of observation data files (0=ASCII, 1=netCDF).
double met_cms_eps_lwc
cmultiscale compression epsilon for cloud liquid water content.
int qnt_us
Quantity array index for surface zonal wind.
double met_cms_eps_z
cmultiscale compression epsilon for geopotential height.
double grid_lon1
Upper longitude of gridded data [deg].
int qnt_Cn2o
Quantity array index for N2O volume mixing ratio (chemistry code).
int qnt_Cccl3f
Quantity array index for CFC-11 volume mixing ratio (chemistry code).
double mixing_lat0
Lower latitude of mixing grid [deg].
int qnt_pt
Quantity array index for tropopause pressure.
int qnt_cl
Quantity array index for total column cloud water.
int advect
Advection scheme (0=off, 1=Euler, 2=midpoint, 4=Runge-Kutta).
double prof_z1
Upper altitude of gridded profile data [km].
int qnt_t
Quantity array index for temperature.
int atm_filter
Time filter for atmospheric data output (0=none, 1=missval, 2=remove).
int kpp_chem
Switch for KPP chemistry module (0=off, 1=on).
int qnt_zeta
Quantity array index for zeta vertical coordinate.
double conv_pbl_trans
Depth of PBL transition layer (fraction of PBL depth).
int met_vert_coord
Vertical coordinate of input meteo data (0=plev, 1=mlev_p_file, 2=mlev_ab_file, 3=mlev_ab_full,...
double csi_z0
Lower altitude of gridded CSI data [km].
int qnt_lapse
Quantity array index for lapse rate.
double stat_lat
Latitude of station [deg].
int qnt_Cho2
Quantity array index for HO2 volume mixing ratio (chemistry code).
int grid_ny
Number of latitudes of gridded data.
int qnt_Csf6
Quantity array index for SF6 volume mixing ratio (chemistry code).
int qnt_Ch2o
Quantity array index for H2O volume mixing ratio (chemistry code).
double met_detrend
FWHM of horizontal Gaussian used for detrending [km].
int conv_mix_pbl
Vertical mixing in the PBL (0=off, 1=on).
double bound_dps
Boundary conditions surface layer depth [hPa].
double met_cms_eps_t
cmultiscale compression epsilon for temperature.
int chemgrid_nz
Number of altitudes of chemistry grid.
int qnt_cape
Quantity array index for convective available potential energy (CAPE).
double bound_mass_trend
Boundary conditions mass per particle trend [kg/s].
int mixing_nz
Number of altitudes of mixing grid.
int qnt_o3c
Quantity array index for total column ozone.
double bound_p0
Boundary conditions bottom pressure [hPa].
double mixing_lon0
Lower longitude of mixing grid [deg].
int qnt_Co3
Quantity array index for O3 volume mixing ratio (chemistry code).
int qnt_tsts
Quantity array index for T_STS.
int grid_nz
Number of altitudes of gridded data.
int qnt_nss
Quantity array index for northward turbulent surface stress.
double ens_dt_out
Time step for ensemble output [s].
int atm_stride
Particle index stride for atmospheric data files.
int met_relhum
Try to read relative humidity (0=no, 1=yes).
double mixing_lat1
Upper latitude of mixing grid [deg].
double atm_dt_out
Time step for atmospheric data output [s].
double prof_lat1
Upper latitude of gridded profile data [deg].
int met_cms_batch
cmultiscale batch size.
double psc_h2o
H2O volume mixing ratio for PSC analysis.
int met_sp
Smoothing for pressure levels.
double prof_lon0
Lower longitude of gridded profile data [deg].
int chemgrid_nx
Number of longitudes of chemistry grid.
int qnt_pct
Quantity array index for cloud top pressure.
int qnt_mloss_kpp
Quantity array index for total mass loss due to KPP chemistry.
int qnt_psat
Quantity array index for saturation pressure over water.
double prof_lat0
Lower latitude of gridded profile data [deg].
int qnt_cin
Quantity array index for convective inhibition (CIN).
double psc_hno3
HNO3 volume mixing ratio for PSC analysis.
double prof_lon1
Upper longitude of gridded profile data [deg].
double met_cms_eps_rwc
cmultiscale compression epsilon for cloud rain water content.
int met_nc_quant
Number of digits for quantization of netCDF meteo files (0=off).
int h2o2_chem_reaction
Reaction type for H2O2 chemistry (0=none, 1=SO2).
int qnt_Co3p
Quantity array index for O(3P) volume mixing ratio (chemistry code).
double wet_depo_bc_ret_ratio
Coefficients for wet deposition below cloud: retention ratio.
int chemgrid_ny
Number of latitudes of chemistry grid.
double met_cms_eps_o3
cmultiscale compression epsilon for ozone.
int met_cms_zstd
cmultiscale zstd compression (0=off, 1=on).
int grid_sparse
Sparse output in grid data files (0=no, 1=yes).
double dry_depo_vdep
Dry deposition velocity [m/s].
int qnt_tt
Quantity array index for tropopause temperature.
int met_np
Number of target pressure levels.
int qnt_ens
Quantity array index for ensemble IDs.
int met_nc_level
zlib compression level of netCDF meteo files (0=off).
double met_zfp_tol_t
ZFP compression tolerance for temperature.
double mixing_dt
Time interval for mixing [s].
int qnt_mloss_h2o2
Quantity array index for total mass loss due to H2O2 chemistry.
double met_zfp_tol_z
ZFP compression tolerance for geopotential height.
double vtk_scale
Vertical scaling factor for VTK data.
double met_cms_eps_w
cmultiscale compression epsilon for vertical velocity.
double turb_dx_pbl
Horizontal turbulent diffusion coefficient (PBL) [m^2/s].
double conv_cin
CIN threshold for convection module [J/kg].
int qnt_pv
Quantity array index for potential vorticity.
int advect_vert_coord
Vertical velocity of air parcels (0=omega_on_plev, 1=zetadot_on_mlev, 2=omega_on_mlev).
int qnt_mloss_oh
Quantity array index for total mass loss due to OH chemistry.
int qnt_Ch2o2
Quantity array index for H2O2 volume mixing ratio (chemistry code).
int qnt_sst
Quantity array index for sea surface temperature.
double mixing_lon1
Upper longitude of mixing grid [deg].
int atm_nc_level
zlib compression level of netCDF atmospheric data files (0=off).
int met_cms_heur
cmultiscale coarsening heuristics (0=default, 1=mean diff, 2=median diff, 3=max diff).
double wet_depo_ic_ret_ratio
Coefficients for wet deposition in cloud: retention ratio.
int qnt_sh
Quantity array index for specific humidity.
int qnt_ess
Quantity array index for eastward turbulent surface stress.
double wet_depo_ic_b
Coefficient B for wet deposition in cloud (exponential form).
double wet_depo_bc_b
Coefficient B for wet deposition below cloud (exponential form).
int met_dy
Stride for latitudes.
int qnt_Cx
Quantity array index for trace species x volume mixing ratio (chemistry code).
double turb_dz_strat
Vertical turbulent diffusion coefficient (stratosphere) [m^2/s].
double bound_zetas
Boundary conditions surface layer zeta [K].
int qnt_idx
Quantity array index for air parcel IDs.
double met_tropo_theta
Dynamical tropopause potential temperature threshold [K].
int qnt_rwc
Quantity array index for cloud rain water content.
double t_start
Start time of simulation [s].
int nq
Number of quantities.
double tdec_trop
Life time of particles in the troposphere [s].
double sample_dx
Horizontal radius for sample output [km].
int vtk_stride
Particle index stride for VTK data.
double turb_dz_pbl
Vertical turbulent diffusion coefficient (PBL) [m^2/s].
double grid_lat1
Upper latitude of gridded data [deg].
int qnt_zt
Quantity array index for tropopause geopotential height.
int met_type
Type of meteo data files (0=netCDF, 1=binary, 2=pck, 3=zfp, 4=zstd, 5=cms).
int qnt_cc
Quantity array index for cloud cover.
int qnt_plcl
Quantity array index for pressure at lifted condensation level (LCL).
double grid_dt_out
Time step for gridded data output [s].
int qnt_tdew
Quantity array index for dew point temperature.
int nx
Number of longitudes.
int ny
Number of latitudes.
int np
Number of pressure levels.
int npl
Number of model levels.