Go to the documentation of this file.
2 This file is part of MPTRAC.
4 MPTRAC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7 (at your option) any later version.
9 MPTRAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 GNU General Public License for more details.
14 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 along with MPTRAC. If not, see <>.
17 Copyright (C) 2013-2025 Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
25#include "mptrac.h"
27/* ------------------------------------------------------------
28 Main...
29 ------------------------------------------------------------ */
31int main(
32 int argc,
33 char *argv[]) {
35 ctl_t ctl;
37 clim_t *clim;
39 atm_t *atm;
41 met_t *met0, *met1;
43 FILE *out;
45 double h2o, h2ot, o3, lwc, rwc, iwc, swc, cc, p0, p1, ps, ts, zs, us, vs,
46 ess, nss, shf, lsm, sst, pbl, pt, pct, pcb, cl, plcl, plfc, pel,
47 cape, cin, o3c, pv, t, tt, u, v, w, z, zm, zref, zt, time_old = -999,
48 p_old = -999, lon_old = -999, lat_old = -999;
50 /* Check arguments... */
51 if (argc < 3)
52 ERRMSG("Give parameters: <ctl> <> <atm_in>");
54 /* Allocate... */
55 ALLOC(clim, clim_t, 1);
56 ALLOC(atm, atm_t, 1);
57 ALLOC(met0, met_t, 1);
58 ALLOC(met1, met_t, 1);
60 /* Read control parameters... */
61 mptrac_read_ctl(argv[1], argc, argv, &ctl);
62 const int geopot =
63 (int) scan_ctl(argv[1], argc, argv, "SAMPLE_GEOPOT", -1, "0", NULL);
64 const int grid_time =
65 (int) scan_ctl(argv[1], argc, argv, "SAMPLE_GRID_TIME", -1, "0", NULL);
66 const int grid_z =
67 (int) scan_ctl(argv[1], argc, argv, "SAMPLE_GRID_Z", -1, "0", NULL);
68 const int grid_lon =
69 (int) scan_ctl(argv[1], argc, argv, "SAMPLE_GRID_LON", -1, "0", NULL);
70 const int grid_lat =
71 (int) scan_ctl(argv[1], argc, argv, "SAMPLE_GRID_LAT", -1, "0", NULL);
73 /* Read climatological data... */
74 mptrac_read_clim(&ctl, clim);
76 /* Read atmospheric data... */
77 if (!mptrac_read_atm(argv[3], &ctl, atm))
78 ERRMSG("Cannot open file!");
80 /* Create output file... */
81 LOG(1, "Write meteorological data file: %s", argv[2]);
82 if (!(out = fopen(argv[2], "w")))
83 ERRMSG("Cannot create file!");
85 /* Write header... */
88 /* Loop over air parcels... */
89 for (int ip = 0; ip < atm->np; ip++) {
91 /* Get meteorological data... */
92 mptrac_get_met(&ctl, clim, atm->time[ip], &met0, &met1);
94 /* Set reference pressure for interpolation... */
96 double pref = atm->p[ip];
97 if (geopot) {
98 zref = Z(pref);
99 p0 = met0->p[0];
100 p1 = met0->p[met0->np - 1];
101 for (int it = 0; it < 24; it++) {
102 pref = 0.5 * (p0 + p1);
103 intpol_met_time_3d(met0, met0->z, met1, met1->z, atm->time[ip], pref,
104 atm->lon[ip], atm->lat[ip], &zm, ci, cw, 1);
105 if (zref > zm || !isfinite(zm))
106 p0 = pref;
107 else
108 p1 = pref;
109 }
110 pref = 0.5 * (p0 + p1);
111 }
113 /* Interpolate meteo data... */
114 INTPOL_TIME_ALL(atm->time[ip], pref, atm->lon[ip], atm->lat[ip]);
116 /* Make blank lines... */
117 if (ip == 0 || (grid_time && atm->time[ip] != time_old)
118 || (grid_z && atm->p[ip] != p_old)
119 || (grid_lon && atm->lon[ip] != lon_old)
120 || (grid_lat && atm->lat[ip] != lat_old))
121 fprintf(out, "\n");
122 time_old = atm->time[ip];
123 p_old = atm->p[ip];
124 lon_old = atm->lon[ip];
125 lat_old = atm->lat[ip];
127 /* Write data... */
128 fprintf(out,
129 "%.2f %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g"
130 " %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g"
131 " %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g 1 1 1\n",
132 atm->time[ip], Z(atm->p[ip]), atm->lon[ip], atm->lat[ip],
133 atm->p[ip], t, u, v, w, h2o, o3, z, pv, ps, ts, zs, us, vs,
134 ess, nss, shf, lsm,
135 sst, pt, zt, tt, h2ot, lwc, rwc, iwc, swc, cc, cl, pct, pcb, plcl,
136 plfc, pel, cape, cin, RH(atm->p[ip], t, h2o), RHICE(atm->p[ip], t,
137 h2o),
138 TDEW(atm->p[ip], h2o), TICE(atm->p[ip], h2o),
139 nat_temperature(atm->p[ip], h2o,
140 clim_zm(&clim->hno3, atm->time[ip], atm->lat[ip],
141 atm->p[ip])), clim_zm(&clim->hno3,
142 atm->time[ip],
143 atm->lat[ip],
144 atm->p[ip]),
145 clim_oh(&ctl, clim, atm->time[ip], atm->lon[ip], atm->lat[ip],
146 atm->p[ip]), clim_zm(&clim->h2o2, atm->time[ip],
147 atm->lat[ip], atm->p[ip]),
148 clim_zm(&clim->ho2, atm->time[ip], atm->lat[ip], atm->p[ip]),
149 clim_zm(&clim->o1d, atm->time[ip], atm->lat[ip], atm->p[ip]), pbl,
150 o3c);
151 }
153 /* Close file... */
154 fclose(out);
156 /* Free... */
157 free(clim);
158 free(atm);
159 free(met0);
160 free(met1);
162 return EXIT_SUCCESS;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition: met_sample.c:31
void mptrac_get_met(ctl_t *ctl, clim_t *clim, const double t, met_t **met0, met_t **met1)
Retrieves meteorological data for the specified time.
Definition: mptrac.c:4260
double clim_zm(const clim_zm_t *zm, const double t, const double lat, const double p)
Interpolates monthly mean zonal mean climatological variables.
Definition: mptrac.c:401
void intpol_met_time_3d(const met_t *met0, float array0[EX][EY][EP], const met_t *met1, float array1[EX][EY][EP], const double ts, const double p, const double lon, const double lat, double *var, int *ci, double *cw, const int init)
Interpolates meteorological data in 3D space and time.
Definition: mptrac.c:1502
double nat_temperature(const double p, const double h2o, const double hno3)
Calculates the nitric acid trihydrate (NAT) temperature.
Definition: mptrac.c:5858
double scan_ctl(const char *filename, int argc, char *argv[], const char *varname, const int arridx, const char *defvalue, char *value)
Scans a control file or command-line arguments for a specified variable.
Definition: mptrac.c:8892
void mptrac_read_clim(const ctl_t *ctl, clim_t *clim)
Reads various climatological data and populates the given climatology structure.
Definition: mptrac.c:4471
int mptrac_read_atm(const char *filename, const ctl_t *ctl, atm_t *atm)
Reads air parcel data from a specified file into the given atmospheric structure.
Definition: mptrac.c:4400
double clim_oh(const ctl_t *ctl, const clim_t *clim, const double t, const double lon, const double lat, const double p)
Calculates the hydroxyl radical (OH) concentration from climatology data, with an optional diurnal co...
Definition: mptrac.c:89
void mptrac_read_ctl(const char *filename, int argc, char *argv[], ctl_t *ctl)
Reads control parameters from a configuration file and populates the given structure.
Definition: mptrac.c:4531
MPTRAC library declarations.
Initialize arrays for interpolation.
Definition: mptrac.h:682
#define ERRMSG(...)
Print an error message with contextual information and terminate the program.
Definition: mptrac.h:1904
#define Z(p)
Convert pressure to altitude.
Definition: mptrac.h:1741
#define MET_HEADER
Write header for meteorological data file.
Definition: mptrac.h:900
#define TICE(p, h2o)
Calculate frost point temperature (WMO, 2018).
Definition: mptrac.h:1620
#define RHICE(p, t, h2o)
Compute relative humidity over ice.
Definition: mptrac.h:1456
#define INTPOL_TIME_ALL(time, p, lon, lat)
Interpolate multiple meteorological variables in time.
Definition: mptrac.h:786
#define ALLOC(ptr, type, n)
Allocate memory for a pointer with error handling.
Definition: mptrac.h:349
#define RH(p, t, h2o)
Compute relative humidity over water.
Definition: mptrac.h:1426
#define LOG(level,...)
Print a log message with a specified logging level.
Definition: mptrac.h:1834
#define TDEW(p, h2o)
Calculate dew point temperature.
Definition: mptrac.h:1595
Air parcel data.
Definition: mptrac.h:3146
double time[NP]
Time [s].
Definition: mptrac.h:3152
double lat[NP]
Latitude [deg].
Definition: mptrac.h:3161
double lon[NP]
Longitude [deg].
Definition: mptrac.h:3158
int np
Number of air parcels.
Definition: mptrac.h:3149
double p[NP]
Pressure [hPa].
Definition: mptrac.h:3155
Climatological data.
Definition: mptrac.h:3314
clim_zm_t ho2
HO2 zonal means.
Definition: mptrac.h:3344
clim_zm_t hno3
HNO3 zonal means.
Definition: mptrac.h:3335
clim_zm_t o1d
O(1D) zonal means.
Definition: mptrac.h:3347
clim_zm_t h2o2
H2O2 zonal means.
Definition: mptrac.h:3341
Control parameters.
Definition: mptrac.h:2158
Meteo data structure.
Definition: mptrac.h:3373
int np
Number of pressure levels.
Definition: mptrac.h:3385
float z[EX][EY][EP]
Geopotential height [km].
Definition: mptrac.h:3475
double p[EP]
Pressure levels [hPa].
Definition: mptrac.h:3397