47 char dirname[
LEN], filename[2 *
49 int ntask = -1, rank = 0, size = 1;
53 MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
54 MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
55 MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
"Give parameters: <dirlist> <ctl> <atm_in>");
63 if (!(dirlist = fopen(argv[1],
"Cannot open directory list!");
67 while (fscanf(dirlist,
"%4999s", dirname) != EOF) {
70 if ((++ntask) % size != rank)
74 LOG(1,
"Parallelization: ntask= %d | rank= %d | size= %d",
88 sprintf(filename,
"%s/%s", dirname, argv[2]);
95 sprintf(filename,
"%s/%s", dirname, argv[3]);
"Cannot open file!");
119 if (ctl->
dt_mod > fabs(met0->
lon[1] - met0->
lon[0]) * 111132. / 150.)
120 WARN(
"Violation of CFL criterion! Check DT_MOD!");
137 LOG(1,
"SIZE_NP = %d", atm->
138 LOG(1,
"SIZE_MPI_TASKS = %d", size);
139 LOG(1,
"SIZE_OMP_THREADS = %d", omp_get_max_threads());
142 LOG(1,
"MEMORY_ATM = %g MByte",
atm_t) / 1024. / 1024.);
143 LOG(1,
"MEMORY_CACHE = %g MByte",
cache_t) / 1024. / 1024.);
144 LOG(1,
"MEMORY_CLIM = %g MByte",
clim_t) / 1024. / 1024.);
145 LOG(1,
"MEMORY_METEO = %g MByte",
met_t) / 1024. / 1024.);
void mptrac_alloc(ctl_t **ctl, cache_t **cache, clim_t **clim, met_t **met0, met_t **met1, atm_t **atm)
Allocates and initializes memory resources for MPTRAC.
void mptrac_get_met(ctl_t *ctl, clim_t *clim, const double t, met_t **met0, met_t **met1)
Retrieves meteorological data for the specified time.
void mptrac_init(ctl_t *ctl, cache_t *cache, clim_t *clim, atm_t *atm, const int ntask)
Initializes the MPTRAC model and its associated components.
void mptrac_read_clim(const ctl_t *ctl, clim_t *clim)
Reads various climatological data and populates the given climatology structure.
int mptrac_read_atm(const char *filename, const ctl_t *ctl, atm_t *atm)
Reads air parcel data from a specified file into the given atmospheric structure.
void mptrac_write_output(const char *dirname, const ctl_t *ctl, met_t *met0, met_t *met1, atm_t *atm, const double t)
Writes various types of output data to files in a specified directory.
void mptrac_free(ctl_t *ctl, cache_t *cache, clim_t *clim, met_t *met0, met_t *met1, atm_t *atm)
Frees memory resources allocated for MPTRAC.
void mptrac_run_timestep(ctl_t *ctl, cache_t *cache, clim_t *clim, met_t **met0, met_t **met1, atm_t *atm, double t)
Executes a single timestep of the MPTRAC model simulation.
void mptrac_read_ctl(const char *filename, int argc, char *argv[], ctl_t *ctl)
Reads control parameters from a configuration file and populates the given structure.
MPTRAC library declarations.
#define LEN
Maximum length of ASCII data lines.
#define ERRMSG(...)
Print an error message with contextual information and terminate the program.
#define WARN(...)
Print a warning message with contextual information.
Starts a timer for tracking.
Print the current state of all timers.
#define LOG(level,...)
Print a log message with a specified logging level.
Stop the current timer.
int np
Number of air parcels.
int direction
Direction flag (1=forward calculation, -1=backward calculation).
double t_stop
Stop time of simulation [s].
double dt_mod
Time step of simulation [s].
double t_start
Start time of simulation [s].
double lon[EX]
Longitude [deg].
int main(int argc, char *argv[])