▼ src | |
atm2grid.c | Convert atmospheric data file to grid data file |
atm_conv.c | Convert file format of air parcel data files |
atm_dist.c | Calculate transport deviations of trajectories |
atm_init.c | Create atmospheric data file with initial air parcel positions |
atm_select.c | Extract subsets of air parcels from atmospheric data files |
atm_split.c | Split air parcels into a larger set of parcels |
atm_stat.c | Calculate air parcel statistics |
cape.c | Add CAPE data to netCDF file |
day2doy.c | Convert date to day of year |
doy2day.c | Convert day of year to date |
jsec2time.c | Convert Julian seconds to date |
met_conv.c | Convert file format of meteo data files |
met_lapse.c | Calculate lapse rate statistics |
met_map.c | Extract map from meteorological data |
met_prof.c | Extract vertical profile from meteorological data |
met_sample.c | Sample meteorological data at given geolocations |
met_spec.c | Spectral analysis of meteorological data |
met_subgrid.c | Calculate standard deviations of horizontal wind and vertical velocity |
met_zm.c | Extract zonal mean from meteorological data |
mptrac.c | MPTRAC library definitions |
mptrac.h | MPTRAC library declarations |
sedi.c | Calculate sedimentation velocity |
time2jsec.c | Convert date to Julian seconds |
tnat.c | Calculate PSC temperatures |
trac.c | Lagrangian particle dispersion model |
tropo.c | Create tropopause data set from meteorological data |
tropo_clim.c | Calculate tropopause climatology |
tropo_sample.c | Sample tropopause data set |
tropo_zm.c | Extract zonal mean of tropopause data set |
wind.c | Create meteorological data files with synthetic wind fields |